감광성 결정화유리를 이용한 미세 구조물 제조에 대한 연구

The Fabrication of Micro-framework Using Photosensitive Glass-ceramics

  • 발행 : 2000.01.01


In lithium silicate photosensitive glass-ceramics, the relationship between lithography time and crystallization, and the effect of addition of mineral acid in etching rate and pattern shape were investigated. Irradiation times for micropatterning were less than 5 minutes in which Ce3+ ions in glass were changed rapidly to Ce4+ with ultra violet light. Overexposure to ultra brought about blot of pattern by diffiraction of light. Addition of mineral acid to HF enhanced etching rate as compared with HF solution only. The addition of H2SO4 especially increased the etching rate by 70%. But the mixed solution also increased the etching rate of the noncrystallized portion of the glass and this resulted in heavy etching. Etching with ultrasonic wave showed higher etching rate than that with the static or fluid method.



  1. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting The American Society for Precision Engineering Application Potential of Photosensitive Glasses K. Feindt
  2. 한국재료학회지 v.8 no.9 사진식각 공정에 의한 유리 미세구조물 제작 기술 오재열;조영래;김희수;정효수
  3. Proceeding of the 11th Annual International Workshop on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems(MEMS 98) 3D-Structuring of Photosensitive Glasses K. Feindt;A. Harnisch;V. Zopping;D. Hulsenberg;E. Kallenbach
  4. Glass Ceramics and Photositalls A.I. Berezhnoi
  5. Phys. Chem. Glasses The Effect of Sb₂O₃and Raw Materials on the Crystallization of Glass Containing Ag H.Y. Kim;S.C. Choi
  6. Microelectronic Eng. v.30 Fabrication Technologies for Microsystems Utilizing Photoetchable Glass T.R. Dietrich;W. Ehrfeld;M. Lacher;B. Speit
  7. Corrosion of Glass, Ceramics and Ceramic Superconductors D.E. Clark;B.K. Zoitos
  8. Thermochemica Acta v.40 Surface and Bulk Crystallization in Non-isothermal Devitrification of Glasses A. Marotta;A. Buri;F. Branda
  9. 최신이화학대사전 전학제
  10. ガラス 表面の 物理化學 土橋正二