- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.57 Sensitivity to and degradation of pentachlorophenol by Phanerochaete spp. Lamar, R. T.;M. J. Larsen;T. K. Kirk
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.57 Potential for thermophilic (50℃) anaerobic dechlorination of pentachlorophenol in different ecosystems Lasen, S.;H. V. Hendriksen;B. K. Ahring
- Pure Appl. Chem. v.53 Environmental chemistry of pentachlorophenol Crosby, D. G.;K. I. Benyon;P. A. Greve;F. Korte;G. G. Still;J. W. Vouk
- Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. v.48 Aerobic metabolism of pentachlorophenol by spent sawdust sulture of "shiitake" mushroom in soil Okeke, B. C.;A. Paterson;J. E. Smith;I. A. WatsonCraik
- Sci. v.228 Oxidation of persistent environtal pollutants by a white rot fungus Bumpus, J. A.;M. Tien;D. Wright;S. D. Aust
- Appl Environ Microbiol. v.54 Biodegradation Mileski, S. J.;J. A. Bumpus;S. D. Jurek;S. D. Qust
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.62 Mineralization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by the white rot fungus Pleurorus ostreatus Bezarel, L.;Y. Hadar;C. E. Cerniglia
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.58 Biodegradation of Crystal violet by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium Bumpus, J. A.;B. Brock
- Appl. Environ. Nicribiol. v.44 Metabolism of 7-methyl-benzo[a]anthracene and 7-hydroxy-methylbenzo[a]anthracene by Cunninghamella alegance Cerniglia, C. E.;P. P. Fu;S. K. Yang
- Trends Biotechnol. v.11 Screening for ligninolytic fungi applicable to the biodegradation of xenobuotics Field, J.;E. de Jong;G. Feijoo-Costa;J. de Bont
- J. Biol. Chem. v.261 Oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and dibenzo[p]dioxins by Phanerochaete chrysosporium ligninase Hammel, K. E.;B. Kalyanaraman;T. K. Kirk
- Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. v.58 Degradation of dyes by the lignin-degrading fugus Phanerochaete chrysosprium Spadaro, J.;M. Gild;V. Renganathan
- Appl. Environ. Micobiol. v.56 Biodegradation of TNT by Phanerochaete chrysosporium Fenado, T;J. A. Bunpus;M. Tien;D. Wright;S. D. Aust
- Appl. Environ. Micobiol. v.56 Comparaive biodegradation of alkyl halide insecticides by the white rot fungus, Phanerochaete chrysosporium (BKM-F-1767) Kennedy, D. W.;S. D. Aust;J. A. Bunpus
- Appl. Environ. Micobiol. v.47 Stereoselective metabolism of anthracene and phenantherene by the fungus Cunninghamella elegans Ceriglia, C. E.;S. K. Yang
- Appl. Environ. Micobiol. v.29 Extracellular ligninase of Phanerochaete chrysosporium Burdsall has no role in the degradation of DDT Kohler, A.;A. Jager;H. Willershausen;H. Graf
- Appl. Environ. Micobiol. v.58 Degradation of Phenentherne by Phanerochaete chrysosporium occurs under ligninolytic as well as nonligninolytic conditions Dhawale, S. W.;S. S. Dhawale;D. Dean-Ross
- Appl. Environ. Micobiol. v.55 Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by Phanerochaete chrysosporium Bumpus, J. A.;S. D. Aust
- Micobiol. Ecol. v.20 Degradation of environmental pollutants by Phanerochaete chrysosporium Aust, S. D.
- Enzyme and Microbial Tech. v.18 Laccase Catalyzes Formation of an Indamine Dye between 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone and 3-dimenthylaminobenzoic acid Baker, W. L.;K. Sabapathy;M. Vibat;G. Lonergan
- Kor. J. Biotechnol. Bioeng. v.13 A study on synthesis of lignin peroxidase and degradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP) by Phanerochaete chrysosporium Choi, S. H.;E. Song;M. B. Gu;S. H. Moon
- Enzyme Micro. Technol. v.8 Role of extracellular ligninases in biodegradation of benzo[a]pyrene by Phanerochaete chrysosporium Sangard, D.;M. S. A. Leisola;A. Fiechter
- Mokuzai Gakkaishi v.18 Detoxification mechanism of pentachlorophenol by laccase Coriolus versicolor Konishi K.;Y. Inoue
- Appl. Micobiol. Biotechnol. v.54 Biodegradation of pentachlorophenol by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium G. L. Mileski;J. A. Bumpus;M. A. Jurek;S. D. Aust