- Pesticide Biochem.Physiol. v.12 Effect of Ametryn[2-(ethylamino)-4(isopropylthio)-6 (methylthio)-s-triazine] on nitrate reductase activity and nitrite content of wheat (Triticum sativum L.) Churchill,K.;L.Klepper.
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- Plant Physiol. v.88 The conversion of nitrite to nitrogen oxide(s) by the constitutive NAD(P)H-nitrite enzyme from soybean. Dean,J.V.;J.E.Harper.
- Nature v.394 Nitric oxide functions as a signal in plant disease resistance. Delledonne,M.;Y.Xia;R.A.Dixon;C.Lamb.
- Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci.USA v.95 Defense gene induction in tobacco by nitric oxide, cyclic GMP and cyclic ADP-ribose. Durner,J.;D.Wendehenne;D.F.Klessig.
- Biotechnol.Bioeng. v.30 Deterministic interpretation of the temperature response of microbial growth. Fiolitakis,E.;J.U.Grobbelaar;E.Hegewald;C.J.Soeder.
- Progress in Nitrogen Cycling Studies. Nitric oxide(NO) release in activated sludge plants with nitrification and denitrification. Groeneweg,J.;I.Leuther;T.Muckenheim;an Cleemput,O.;G.Hofman;A.Vermoesen.(eds.)
- Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. v.32 The assimilatory nitrate reducing system and its regulation. Guerrero,M.G.;J.M.Vega;M.Losada.
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- Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci.USA v.95 Nitric oxide in plant Immunity. Hausladen,A.;J.S.Stamler.
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- Annu. Rev.Palnt Physiol.Plant Mol. Biol. v.45 Intergration fo carbon and nitrogen metabolism in plant and algal cells. Huppe,H.C.;D.H.Turpin.
- New Phytol. v.66 The role of carbon dioxide,light and temaperature on the synthesis and degradation of nitrate reductase. Kannangate,C.;H.Woolhouse.
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- Plant Physiol. v.106 Induction and turnover of nitrate reductase in Zea mays. Li,X.Z.;A.Oaks.
- Biomed.Envir. Sci. v.5 Netal-induced inhibition of photosynthesis, photosynthetic electron transport chain and ATPcontent of Anabaena doliolum and Chlorella vulgaris. Mallick.N.;L.C.Rai.
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- Atmos. Environ. v.27 Uptake of NO,NO₂,and O₃by sunflower plants(Helianthus annuus L.) and tobacco plants(Nicotiana tabacum L.) Dependence on stomatal conductivity. Neubert,A.;D.Kley;J.Wildt;H.J.Segschneider;H.Forstel.
- Photochem. Photobiol. v.64 Indications for the occurrence of nitric oxide synthases in fungi and plants and involvement in photoconidiation of Neutospora crassa. Ninnemann,H.J.Mater.
- Algal. Stud. v.93 Formation of nitric oxide(NO) in nitrate-supplied suspensions of green algae(Scenedesmus). Rai,L.C.;F.H.Mohn;P.Rockel;J.Wildt;C.J.Soeder.
- Environ. Expt. Bot. v.36 Regulation of heavy metal toxicity in acid-tolerant Chlorella: Physiological and biochemical approached. Rai,L.C.;P.K.Rai;N.Mallick.
- Acta Hydobiol. v.40 Effect of ultraviolet. monochromatic adn PAR waveband on nitrate reductase activity and pigmentation in a rice field cyanobacterium, Anabaena sp. Sinha,R.;M.Krywult;D.P.Hader.
- Annu. Re. Plant. Physiol. v.41 Assimilatory nitrate reductase: Functional properties and regulation. Solomonson,L.P.;M.J.Barber.
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- Planta v.77 Untersuchungen zur lichtabhangigen nitritreduktion von Chlorella. Strotmann,H.
- J. Phycol. v.28 Influence of phosphours nutrition on copper toxicity to three strains of Scenedesmus acutus(Chlorophyceae). Twiss,R.M.;C.Nalewajko.
- Nova Acta Leopoilina v.70 Biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology o ghighter plant nitrite nutrition. Wray,J.L.;M.P.Ward.
- J. Geophys.Res. v.102 Emission of NO from several higher plant species. Wildt,J.;D.Kley;A.Rockel;P.Rockel;H.J.Segschneider.
- Glob. Biogeochem. Cyl. v.6 NOX and N₂O emissions from soil. Williams,E.J.;G.L.Hutchinson;F.C.Fehnfeld.
- Trends Plant Sci. v.4 An alternative pathway for nitric oxide production in plants: New features of an old enzyme. Tamasaki,H.;Y.Sakihama;S.Takahashi.
- Biochem.Biophys.Acta v.1411 Nonenzymatic nitric oxide synthesis in biological systems. Zweier,J.L.;A.Samovilov;P.Kuppusamy.