부산시내 종합병원의 임상 검체에서 분리된 Extended -Spectrum $\beta$-Lactamase 생성 Klebsiella pneumoniae의 형별 분류

Extended-Spectrum $\beta$-Lactamase (ESBL) Typing of Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolated from Clinical Specimen in Pusan

  • 김윤태 (부경대학교 자연과학대학 미생물학과) ;
  • 이훈구 (부경대학교 자연과학대학 미생물학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.09.01


본 연구는 등전점과 PCR 생성물을 통하여 광범위 $\beta$-Lactamase(ESBL) 를 생성하는 Klebsiella pneumoniae의 ESBL 유형을 결정하였다. 부산시내 소재 3개 종합병원의 임상검체로부터 20균주의 ESBL 을생성하는 Klebsiella pneumoniae를 분리하였다. 제 3세대 cephalosporin인 cefotaime, cef-tazidime, ceftriaxone으로 double disk synergy test를 시행하여 ESBL 생성균주를 확인하였다. 등전점 및 PCR결과 TEM 형 (pI 5.2~6.0, 1080 bp), TEM+SHV 혼합형(pI 5.2~6.0 및 pI 7.0~7.4 로 1080 bp, 599bp), SHV형 (pI 7.0~ 7.4, 599 bp) , 그리고 PCR결과는 SHV형으로 나타났으나 등전점을 나타내지 않는 것과 등전점 및 PCR 결과 어느 쪽에도 속하지 않는 non TEM non SHV 형 등 5개군으로 나뉘어 졌다.

This study was performed to investigate the biological characteristics of twenty isolates of extended spectnlm $\beta$-lactamase (ESBL) producing Klebsiellapnezm~onia collected kom the various clinical specimens of three hospitals in Pusan. Isoelectric focusing (IEF) and PCR were used to determine the types of $\beta$-lactamase gene in this study. Twenty isolates of ESBL producing Klebsiellnp~ieun~or~iae could be divided by PCR, such as TEM type (I1 strains), SHV type (8 strains); non TEM non SHV type (1 strain). In the isoelechic focusing test, the PI of TEM type was 5.2-6.0 and that of SHV type was 6.9-7.4. According to the pI value and PCR bands, twenty strains of ESBL Klebsiellapneumoniae were divided into 5 types: TEM type @I 5.2-6.0; 1080 bp on PCR band), TEM + SHV type (pI 5.2-6.0; andpI 7.0-7.4; 1080 bp and 599 bp on PCR band), SHV type (pl7.0-7.4; 599 bp on PCR band), non TEM non SHV type, and otber type (PCR result was SHV type but pI was not detected).



  1. 감염 v.29 한국에서 분리된 Klebsiella pneumoniae가 생성하는 extended-spectrum β-lactamase의 유형 및 특징 배현주;김정민;권영미;이경원;정윤섭;김의종;조동택
  2. 대한미생물학회지 v.32 항균제내성의 분석에 의한 Klebsiella의 역학조사 설성용;김광만;신행섭;장희경;이유철;조동택
  3. 감염 v.29 Escherichia coli와 Klebsiella pneumoniae의 TEM 및 SHV Type β-lactamase유전자의 분포 손소희;이대준;김창인;김정민;배현주
  4. 감염 v.26 Extended broad-spectrum β-lactanase 생성 Escherichia coli와 Klebsiella pneumoniae 이경원;조성란;이창숙;정윤섭;권호헌
  5. 대한미생물학회지 v.31 Klebsiella pneumonad와 Serratia marcescens에서 확장된 내성범위 β-lactamase 유전자의 분자유전학적 형별분류 이상만;이상화;조동택
  6. 병원감염관리 v.2 Extended-spectrum β-lactamase를 생산하는 Klebsiella pneumoniae패혈증 집단발생의 분자역학적조사 이선화;정재심;이수연;배현주;나준;박성종;피수영;배직현
  7. 대한임상병리학회지 v.17 Kiebsiella pneumoniae extended-spectrum β-lactamase 검출 이수연;이선화;배직현
  8. 감염 v.29 임상검체에서 분리된 extended-spectrum β-lactam항균제 분해 Klebsiella pneumoniae와 Escherichia coli의 성상 정윤섭;이경원;오까모도 료이찌;이노우에 마쓰히사
  9. Antimicro. Agents Chemother v.33 Minireview, Characterization of β-lactamases Bush,K.
  10. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother v.39 A fuctional classification scheme for β-lactamases and its correlation with molecular structure Bush,K.;G.A.Jacoby;A.A.Medeiros
  11. The genus Klebsiella In W.H. Ewing, Edwards and Ewing Identification of Enterobacteriaceae Ewing,W.H.
  12. Antimicrob Agents Chemother v.43 Updated sequence information for TEM β-lactamase genes Goussard,S.;P.Courvalin
  13. The genus Klebsiella v.Ⅲ The prokaryotes,2nd ed. Grinont,F.;P.A.D.Grimont;C.Richard;A.Balows(ed.)
  14. Genus Klebsiella In Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology, 9th ed. Holt,J.G.;M.R.Krieg;P.H.A.Sneath;J.T.Staley;S.T.Williams
  15. J. Clin. Microbiol. v.34 Detection of extended-spectrum β-lactamases in clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli Jacoby,G.A.;P.Han
  16. American Society for Microbiology PCR detection and identification of genes for extended-spectrum β-lactamases Mabilat,C.;S.Goussard
  17. Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing: 5th informational supplement NCCLS document M100-S5, NCCLS NCCLS
  18. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother v.43 Diversification of Escherichia coli expressing an SHV-type extended-spectrum β-lactamase(ESBL)during a hospital outbreak : emergence of an ESBL-hyperproducing strain resistant to expanded spectrum cephalosporins Palucha,A.;B.Mikiewicz;M.Gniadkowski
  19. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother v.33 Extended-spectrum β-lactamase(minireview) Philippon,A.;R.Labia;G.Jacoby
  20. Antimicrob Agents Chemother v.43 Molecular and biochemical characterization of VEB-1,a novel class . A extended-spectrum β-lactamase encoded by and Escherichia coli integron gene. Poirel,L.;T.Nass;M.Guibert;E.B.Chaibl;R.Labia;P.Nordmann
  21. Antinicrob. Agents Chemother v.39 Primary structure of OXY-3 and phylogeny of oxacillin-hydrolyzing class D β-lactamases Sanschagrin,F.;F.Couture;R.C.Levesque