In vitro Alternative Study of Phototoxitiy by Neutral Red Uptake Assay Using Human Fibroblast

사람유래의 섬유아세포 배양을 이용하여 NRU(neutral red uptake) 시험법에 의한 in vitro 광독성 대체시험연구

  • 이종권 (식품의약품안전청 국립독성연구소 독성부) ;
  • 이은희 (식품의약품안전청 국립독성연구소 독성부) ;
  • 김형수 (식품의약품안전청 국립독성연구소 독성부) ;
  • 홍진태 (식품의약품안전청 국립독성연구소 독성부) ;
  • 류승렬 (식품의약품안전청 국립독성연구소 독성부) ;
  • 박기숙 (식품의약품안전청 국립독성연구소 독성부) ;
  • 김대병 (식품의약품안전청 국립독성연구소 독성부) ;
  • 김부영 (식품의약품안전청 국립독성연구소 독성부) ;
  • 조대현 (식품의약품안전청 국립독성연구소 독성부)
  • Published : 2000.03.01


This study was conducted to assess a possible alternative method as replacements for in vivo test. The human fibroblasts were exposed to several photoxic chemicals (promethazine, neutral red, chlortetracyclone, amiodatone, bithional, 8-methyooxypsorale) and non-phototoxi substance, ammonium laureth sulfate and irradiatied with 5 J/$cm^2$ of UVA (3320~420nm). The cell viability was measured by NRU (neutral red uptake) assay. The photoxic potential of test chemicals in the NRU PT (phototoxicity test) was assessed by determining the PIF (photoirritancy Factor) by using a cut-off value of 5. The NRU PT responses of most chemicals showed a close agreement with in vivo response except bithinol. There was a relatively good agreement between in vitro NRU assay and in vivo data. These results suggest that NRU assay using fibroblast could be used to predict the phototoxicity.



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