- Predictive soil mechanics Field, in situ and laboratory consolidation parameters of a very soft clay Almeida, M. S. S.;C. A. M. Ferreira
- Soils and Foundations v.18 no.4 Observational procedure for settlement prediction Asaoka, A.
- J. Soil. Mech. Found. Div., ASCE v.73 no.SM6 Consolidation of fine-graines soils by drain wells Barron, R. A.
- GEOTECH 92 v.1 Improvement techniques of soft ground in subsiding and lowland environment Bergado, D. T.;J. C. Chai;M. C. Alfaro ; A. S. Balasubramaniam
- Geotextiles and Geomenbranes v.14 Proposed criteria for discharge capacity of prefabricated vertical drains Bergado, D. T.;R. Manivannan;A. S. Balasubramaniam
- J. Geo. Eng. v.119 no.9 Limitations of conventional analysis of consolidation settlement Duncan, J. M.
- GEOTECH 92, Applied ground improvement techniques v.2 Preconsolidation of soft compressible vertical drains Hansbo, S.
- Proceedings of the Wroth Memorial Symposium held at St Catherine's College, Oxford Predictive soil mechanics. Houlsby, G. T.;A. N. Schofield
- J. Soil. Mech. Found. Div., ASCE v.96 Precompression for improving soils Johnson, S. J.
- Geotechnical Spatial Publication v.40 no.2 Stress-deformation behaviour of an embankment on Boston blue clay Ladd, C. C.;A. J. Whittle ;D. E. Legaspi
- Structural engineering and mechanics v.3 no.5 Mechanics of kinking and buckling of plastic board drains Madhav, M. R.; Y. M. Park;N. Miura
- J. of the Geotechnical Eng. Div. v.100 no.8 Theory of consolidation for clay Mesri, G.; A. Rokhsar
- GEOTECH 92, Applied ground improvement techniques v.2 Precompression and vertical drain designs Onoue, A.
- Soils and Foundation v.2 no.4 Consolidation by vertical drains taking well resistance and smear into consideration Onoue, A.
- J. of Geotechnical Division. ASCE v.109 no.11 SPT-CPT correlations Roberston, P. K.; R. G. Campanella; A. Wightman
- Geotechnique v.7 A contribution to the settlement analysis of foundations on clay Skempton, A. W.; L. Bjerrrum
- Trans. ASCE v.120 The undisturbed consolidation behavior of clay Schemertman, J. H.
- J. Soil Mech. Found. Div., ASCE v.84 no.SM 3 Procedure for rapid consolidation test Su, H. L.
- Soils and Foundations v.36 no.3 Comparison of the hyperbolic and Asaoka observational method monitoring consolidation with vertical drains Tan, S. A.; S. H. Chew
- Proceeding of second international conference on soft clay eng. v.1 A nonlinear theory of consolidation under time-dependent loading Xie, K. H.; B. H. Li;Q. L. Li
- Soils and Foundation v.14 no.2 Consolidation of soils by vertical drain wells with finite permeability Yoshikuni, H.;H. Nakanodo
- 軟弱地盤對策工法總技術 승田圭一;東和技術編輯部(譯)
- 現場技術者のための土と基礎シリズ 盛土の調査設計から施工まで 土質工學會(編)
- 土質基礎工學ライブラリ v.37 軟弱地盤の理論と實際 土質工學會(編)