Characteristics of stream sediments and water quality in Boryung Fresh-water Reservoir Watershed

보령 담수호 유역의 하천토사 및 수질 특성

  • 최진규 (전북대학교 농과대학(농업기술연구소))
  • Published : 2000.09.01


To provide the basic information for the water improvement and control of water resource in Boryung fresh water reservoir watershed, the characteristics of stream sediments and water quality of the watershed were investigated through 16 times totally, form November in 1998 to March in 2000. The COD values of stream water quality of the Boryung fresh-water reservoir watershed ranged from 0.75 to 6.38. Total -N concentration affected by the livestock wastes and agricultural activity ranged from 0.45 to 21.80mg/L and which was almost over the quality standard of agricultural water(1.0mg/L). Total-P concentration ranged from 0~0.176 mg/L and average value 0.031 mg/L . The contents of heavy metals from 138.4 to 3,457.3mg/kg and total-P were from 210.0 to 468.3 mg/kg. These were very high according to the influence by the livestock waste and sewage water partly.



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