A simulation model for reservoir sizing was developed to be applied in a region with insufficient hydrological data. Reservoir storage balance equation was formulated on a monthly basis. Gajiyama equation was generalized to estimate monthly reservoir inflow more accurately. Monthly evaporation equation on a reservoir water surface was introduced , which was functioned with monthly mean temperature. Generalized Gajiyama equation was applied to estmate reservoir inflow of the Sayeon dam. Nash-Sutcliffe's model efficiency was 0.793. Using developed model for reservoir sizing, water supply capacity was analyzed with 118.000㎥/day on the Sayeon dam. This showed a reasonable result as compared with 110000㎥/day in other technical report. For general application of developed model, a virtual reservoir was considered and its dta of surface area and volume by elevation was prepared using DEM. Using the model, size of reservoir was determined and water supply capacity was anlayzed on a virtual reservoir.