가치평가기법의 최근동향;CVM, MAUA 그리고 Real Option Pricing

Recent Developments on Economic Valuation Method -CVA MAUA and Ral Option Pricing-

  • 허은녕 (서울대학교 공과대학 지구환경시스템공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


본 글에서는 최근 기술가치평가에 적용되고 있는 조건부가치평가법(Contingent Valuation Method) 다속성효용평가법(Multi-attribute Utility Assessment) 그리고 조건부청구권가치평가법(Real Option Pricing Method)의 세가지 가치측정기법들의 특징과 조요 관련 문헌들을 간략하게 정리하여 소개함으로서 관심있는 연구자들에게 유용한 정보를 제공하고자 한다. 소개하는 방법론들은 환경재화의 가치측정기법과 위험도가 높은 에너지프로젝트의 가치평가기법으로 개발된 기법들로서 신기술이 가지는 특징인 외부성 등의 비시장재적 특성과 높은 위험도에따른 투자가치를 반영할 수있어 기술 및 기업의 가치평가 사례연구에 응용할 수있다.



  1. 농촌경제 v.19 no.2 산출물거리함수를 이용한 환경오염 규제의 한계비용 추정 권오상
  2. 한국자원경제학회지 v.7 no.1 주택가격에 내재된 대기질의 가격측정 김종원
  3. 전력산업의 사회적 비용에 관한 연구 김태유(외)
  4. 한국자원공학회 제 70회 학술발표회 최적가산자를 이용한 환경외부성의 내부화 정책 문혜선;허은녕;김태유
  5. 환경재 가치측정에 관한 연구 엄미정
  6. 환경경제연구 v.7 no.1 대기오염이 건강에 미치는 영향에 대한 가치평가: 회피행위접근법을 이용하여 엄영숙
  7. 1999년도 한국경제학회 정기학술대회 먹는 물 수질변화에 대한 지불의사와 수용의사: 실험시장접근법을 이용하여
  8. 환경경제연구 v.7 no.2 서울시 대기질 속성의 가치측정: 다속성효용이론에 근거한 조건부 가치측정법 유승훈;곽승중;김태유
  9. 한국자원경제학회지 v.6 no.1 수질개선의 화폐적 가치: CVM과 비구분 효과 이기호;곽승중
  10. 환경경제연구 v.7 no.2 대구 팔공산 자연공원의 편익가치측정: 여행비용접근법을 통하여 이성태;이명헌
  11. 환경경제연구 v.7 no.1 비효율성을 고려한 오염물질의 잠재가격 추정에 관한 연구 이정동;박종복;김태유
  12. 환경경제학 이정전
  13. 한국기술혁신학회 1998년도 하계 콜로퀴엄. 환경오염 저감의 경제적 가치 분석 허은녕
  14. CVM을 이용한 수돗물 공급 신뢰도개선의 가치측정 황영순
  15. Department of Environment Water Resources Division Canada-Newfoundland Agreement Respecting Water Resource Management: Assessment of the Economic Value of Water and its Contribution to the Economy of Newfoundland ADI Nolan Davis;Gardner Pinfold Consulting Economists Limited
  16. Journal of Law of Economics The Problem of Social Costs Coase, R. H.
  17. Presented at the Southern Economic Association Meetings Applying Multi-Attribute Utility Techniques to Environmental Valuation: A Forest Ecosystem Study Dale, V.;Russell, C.;Hadley, M.;Kane, M.;Gregory, R.
  18. Scandinavian Journal of Economics v.81 Hedonic Prices, Property Values and Measuring Environmental Benefits: A Survey of the issues Freeman, Ⅲ, A. M.
  19. Production Frontiers Fare, R.;Grosskopf, S.;Lovell, C. A. K
  20. The Review of Economics and Statistics v.71 Multilateral Productivity Comparisons When Some Outputs Are Undesirable : A Nonparametric Approach Fare, R.;Grosskopf, S.;Lovell, C. A. K.;Pasurka, C.
  21. The Review of Economics and Statistics v.75 no.2 Derivation of Shadow Prices For Undesirable Outputs : A Distance Function Approach Fare, R.;Grosskopf, S.;Lovell, C. A. K.;Yaisawarng, S.
  22. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty v.7 Valuing Environmental Resources: A Constructive Approach Gregory, R.;Lichtenstein, S.;Slovic, P.
  23. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics The Statistical Analysis of Discrete -Response CV Data Hanemann, W. M;Kanninen, B. J.
  24. American Journal of Agricultural Economics Statistical Efficiency of Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Hanemann, W. M.;Loomis, J.;Kanninen, B.
  25. American Journal of Agricultural Economics Welfare Evaluation in Contingent Valuation Experiments with Discrete Responses Hanemann, W. M.
  26. Northeastern Journal of Agricultural Economics Some Issues in Continuous-and Discrete-Response Contingent Valuation Studies
  27. American Journal of Agricultural Economics Welfare Evaluations in Contingent Valuation Experiments with Discrete Responses Data: Reply
  28. Resources for the Future. Valuing Natural Assets Kopp, R. J.;Smith, V. K.
  29. Resources for the Future Using Surveys to Public Goods : The Contingent Valuation Method Mitchell, R. C.;Carson, R. T.
  30. Land Economics v.57 no.1 Issue in Pollution Control: Interplant Cost Differences and Economies of Scale Pittman, R. W.
  31. The Economic Journal v.93 Multilateral Productivity Comparisons with Undesirable Outputs
  32. Journal of Political Economy v.82 Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets: Product Differentiation in Pure Competition Rosen, Sherwin
  33. Energy Journal v.19 no.1 Alternative Models of Uncertain Commodity Prices for Use with Modern Asset Pricing Methods Baker, M.;Mayfield;Parsons, J.
  34. Technical Report 95-8 Option Methods for Incorporating Risk into Linear Planning Models Birge, J. R.
  35. INFORMS Journal on Computing v.9 Stochastic Programming Computation and Applications: State-of-the-art Survey Birge, J. R.
  36. Journal of Political Economy v.81 The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities Black, F. ;Scholes, M.
  37. Energy Journal v.19 no.1 On the Use of Modern Asset Pricing for Comparing Alternative Royalty Systems for Petroleum Development Projects Bradley, P.
  38. Journal of Finance v.45 Latent assets Brennan;Michael, J.
  39. Journal of Business v.58 Evaluating Natural Resource Investment Brennan, Michael J.;Schwartz, Eduardo
  40. Journal of Financial Economics v.7 Option Pricing: A Simplified Approach Cox, J. C.;Ross, S. A.;Rubinstein, M.
  41. Investment under Uncertainty Dixit, Avinash K.;Pindyck, R. S.
  42. Harvard Business Review The Options Approach to Capital Investment
  43. Dynamic Asset Pricing Duffie, D.
  44. Journal of Finance v.45 Stochastic Convenience Yield and the Pricing of Oil Contingent Claims Gibson, Rajna;Schwartz, Eduardo S.
  45. Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities(second edition) Hull, J.
  46. Financial Management v.22 no.3 Case Studies on Real Options Kemna, A. G. J.
  47. Energy Journal v.19 no.1 The Management of Flexibility in the Upstream Prteoleum Industry Laughton, D.;Jacoby
  48. Financial Management v.22 no.3(Autumn) Reversion, Timing Options, and Long-Term Decosion-Making Laughton, D.;Jacoby
  49. International Economic Review v.26 Investment and the Valuation of Firms when there is an Option to Shut Down McDonald, Robert L.;Siegel, Daniel R.
  50. Quarterly Journal of Economics v.101 The Value of Waiting to Invest
  51. Journal of Financial Economics v.18 Time to Build, Option Value, and Investment Decisions Majd, S.;Pyndyck, R. S.
  52. Econometrica v.41 An Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model Merton, R. C.
  53. Journal of Financial and Quantitave Analysis v.24 The Valuation of Forestry Resources under Stochastic Prices and Inventories Morck, Randall;Schwartz, Eduardo;Stangeland, David
  54. Quarterly Journal of Economics v.102 Option Valuation of Claims on real Assets: The Case of Offshore Petroleum Leases Paddock, James L.;Siegel, Daniel R.;Smith, James L.
  55. Journal of Finance Empirical Testing of Real Option Pricing Models Quigg, Laura
  56. Management Science v.41 Valuing risky projects: Option Pricing Theory and Decision Analysis Smith, J. E.;NAU, R. F.
  57. Journal of Finance v.45 Valuing Managerial Flexibility Triantis, Alexander J.;Hodder, James E.
  58. Financial Management no.3 Real Options and Interactions with Financial Flexibility Trigeorgis, L.
  59. Real Options: Managerial Flexibility and Strategy in Resource Allocation
  60. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics v.4 Real Estate Development as an Option Williams, Joseph T.