This paper presents a path planning method of the sensor based intelligent vehicle using fuzzy logic controller for avoidance of moving obstacles in unknown environments. Generally it is too difficult and complicated to control intelligent vehicle properly by recognizing unknown terrain with sensors because the great amount of imprecise and ambiguous information has to be considered. In this respect a fuzzy logic can manage such the enormous information in a quite efficient manner. Furthermore it is necessary to use the relative velocity to consider the mobility of obstacles, In order to avoid moving obstacles we must deliberate not only vehicle's relative speed toward obstacles but also self-determined acceleration and steering for the satisfaction of avoidance efficiency. In this study all the primary factors mentioned before are used as the input elements of fuzzy controllers and output signals to control velocity and steering angle of the vehicle. The main purpose of this study is to develop fuzzy controllers for avoiding collision with moving obstacles when they approach the vehicle travelling with straight line and for returning to original trajectory. The ability are and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm are demonstrated by simulations and experiments.