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- 日本セメソト技術年報 ポルトラソドセメソト粉末の色およぴその要因について 澤潤治;山本順一郞
- Geomorph Z. N. F. v.Bd. 16 no.Heft 1 A model for development of quaternary terraces and pediment terraces in the southwestern United States of America Barsch, D.;Royse, C. F. Jr.
- Geomorphic response to climatic change Bull, W. B.
- Land and Water Division Guideline for soil profile description, Soil survey and fertility F. A. O. U. N.
- The Encyclopaedia of Geomorphology Terraces, fluvial introduction Howard, A. D.;Fairbridge, R. E.;Quinn, J. H.;Fairbridge, R. E.(ed.)
- Annals of the AAG v.62 Valley alluviation in southwestern Wisconsin Knox, J. C.
- Memoires O.R.S.T.O.M., 56, Paris, These de docteur es sciences naturelle Etude des sols formes sur roches carbonatees: pedogenese fersiallitiqe au Liban Lamouroux, M.
- O.R.S.T.O.M., Init, Doc. tech., h.s. Glossaire de pedologie description des horizons en vue du traitement informaitique Le Group Pedologie d'Informatique et Biosphere
- Bull. Geol. Soc. Ame. v.60 Physical effect of Pleistocene climatic changes in nonglaciated areas: aeolian phenomena, frost action and stream terracing Smith, H. T. U.