안양천 바닥 퇴적물의 지구화학적 특성에 따른 하천수 오염영향

Geochemical Characteristics of Bottom Sediments of the Anyang River and the Influence on the Stream Water Contamination

  • 문지원 (연세대학교 자연과학부 지구시스템과학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


The Anyang River runs through highly industrialized area and joins the lower part of the Han River. loading out large amounts of potential pollutants. Attempts were made to understand geochemical behavior of trace elements in the stream sedimens collected from the bottom of the river and the stream water. Bottom sediments, suspended solids and stream waters were collected and analysed for the chemical and mineralogical composition. Heavy metals including Cr, Zn, Ni, and Co in the sediments were enriched appeared to reflect anthropogenic input. Pb, Cu, As were also enriched between several to 10 times , compared to background levels. Although some heavy metals were derived from anthropogeic input, geochemical associations seem to implyh much of the elements are originated from natural sources as well, mainly from granitic rocks . This is also supported by the mineralogical composition of the suspended solids, which are mainly composed of quartz, feldspar and mica. Most of the elements are associated with total carbon and clay sized fractions, with high values of correlation coefficient. Most of the elements are associated with total carbon and clay sized fractions , with high values of correlation coefficient. It was noteworthy that Hg was detected between 2 and 4 ppb in the stream water.



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