영주저반의 부석심성암체 내에서 공간적 조성변화와 그 성인

Spatial Compositional Variations and their Origins in the Buseok Pluton, Yeongju Batholith

  • 황상구 (안동대 자연과학대학 지구환경과)
  • 발행 : 2000.04.01


The Buseok pluton in the Yeongju Batholith is a comagmatic plutonic rocks which haveconcentrically compositional zoning. The lithofacies of the Buseok pluton comprise hornblende biotite tonalite in the southern part of the pluton, porphyritic and equigranular biotite granodiorite in the northern part and biotite granite in the north-central part. The compositional variations change gradually with continuity both within and between the lithofacies. The concentrically zoned pattern is relatively mafic rocks composed of high-temperature mineral assemblages in margin of the southern part, passing inward and northward gradually to more felsic rock in core of the north-central part. Changes in the textures and microstructures, as well as in the mineral content, take place between rock types of the plutons. Darker colored, generally coarse-grained, well foliated tonalite pass inward to light colored, coarse-grained, poorly foliated granodiorite, and finally give way to lighter colored, medium-grained, nearly nonfoliated granite. The foliation are best developed in the marginal part of the tonalite. Here, the regional myolitic foliation in the tonalite is steep northward and parallels to its southeastern contact with the country rock, but the magmatic foliation from disc-shaped mafic microgranitoid enclaves is subvertical and parallels the contacts with the country rock. As the tonalite approaches biotite granite in composition, the foliation is indistinct. Modal and chemical data for the pluton show quantitative compositional variation from the margin of the southern part to the core of the north-central part. Quartz and K-feldspar increase toward the core of the pluton, whereas hornblende, biotite and color index decrease. /Abundances of $SiO_2$and $K_2O$$_2$O increase toward the core according to the variation in quartz and K-feldspar, whereas those of MnO, CaO, $TiO_2$, $Fe_2O_3$, MgO and $P_2O_5$ decrease corresponding to the variation in mafic and accessaries. The compositional zonation resulted from fractional crystallization involving downward settling of earlier crystals, accompanied by upward movement of melt and volatiles, and followed by accessary marginal accretion of crystalline material in the magma to the marginal part. Although a little crustal contamination by the wall rock is recognized from the isotope data, the contamination is not only dominated over but also appropriate for forming the compositional variation in the pluton.



  1. 암석학회지 v.1 제천 화강암의 기원 : 스트론튬 동위원소 자료의 재고 권성택;진명식;주성환
  2. 영주-안동간의 소위 "원남층군"에 관한 변성암석학전 연구 김규상
  3. 암석학회지 v.5 장군봉 일대 선캠브리아대-고생대 변성퇴적암류의 다변성작용 : 북부 소백산육괴의 중앙부 지역의 지각진화와 환경지질 김기영;김형식;오창환;반찬수;강지훈;정지곤;류영복
  4. 안동도폭 지질보고서 김봉균;이하영;김수진;정지곤
  5. 한국지질도 삼근리도폭 김옥준;홍만석;김기태
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  9. 암석학회지 v.4 춘양 화강암체 주변 두음리층에 산출되는 십자석-흑운모-석류석 광물조합: 대수학적분석 양판석;조문섭
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  11. 한국지질도 옥동도폭 이대성
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  15. 경북 안동군 일대에 분포하는 변성암류의 변성작용에 관한 연구 이희천
  16. 지질학회지 v.32 중부 옥천 변성대의 화성, 변성 및 광화작용과 조구조적 연관성 연구 (I): 보은지역 화강암류의 암석화학과 동위원소 지구화학 정창식;장호완
  17. 안동대학교 논문집 v.17 영주 장수지역 세립질 복운모 화강암에 대한 응용암석학적 연구 (I): 암질과 구조 황상구
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