Design and Implementation of Distributed Mutual Exclusion Lock Counter Algorithm

분산 상호 배제 카운트 알고리즘을 이용한 클라이언트 사용자 구분 시스템 개발

  • 장승주 (동의대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
  • Published : 2000.04.01


In this paper, we propose new concepts that the distributed counter value with the distributed EC system identify each user who users the distributed system. The web user should register his/her own user ID in the cyber shopping mall system. Instead of registration, this paper proposes the proprietary mechanism that is distributing counter. The counter assigns the distinguished number to each client. The distributed lock algorithm is used for mutual assignment of the counter to each client. The proposed algorithm is the best solution in the distributed environment system such as cyber shopping mall. If a user should register his/her own ID in every EC system, he/she may not try to use these uncomfortable systems. The mutual counter is used to identify each client. All of these features are designed and implemented on Windows NT web server. Also these features were experiments with 5 clients for 300 times. According to the experiments, clients have their own mutual counter value. The proposed algorithm will be more efficient in internet application environment. Moreover, it will improve the number of internet users.



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