한국어-수화 번역 시스템 설계

Design and Implementation of a Koran Text to Sign Language Translation System

  • 권경혁 (인천대학교 대학원 정보통신공학과) ;
  • 우요섭 (인천대학교 정보통신공학과) ;
  • 민홍기 (인천대학교 정보통신공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.03.01


In this paper, a korean text to sign language translation system is designed and implemented for the hearing impaired people to learn letters and to have a conversation with normal people. We adopt the direct method for machine translation which uses morphological analysis and the dictionary search. And we define the necessary sign language dictionaries. Based on this processes, the system translate korean sentences to sign language moving picture. The proposed dictionaries are composed of the basic sign language dictionary, the compound sing language dictionary, and the resemble sign language dictionary. The basic sign language dictionary includes basic symbols and moving pictures of korean sign language. The compound sing language dictionary is composed of key-words of basic sign language. In addition, we offered the similar letters at the resemble sign language dictionary. The moving pictures of searched sign symbols are displayed on a screen in GIF formats by continuous motion of sign symbols or represented by the finger spelling based on the korean code analysis. The proposed system can provide quick sign language search and complement the lack of sign languages in the translation process by using the various sign language dictionaries which are characterized as korean sign language. In addition, to represent the sign language using GIF makes it possible to save the storage space of the sign language. In addition, to represent the sign language using GIF makes it possible to save storage space of the sign language dictionary.



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