- K-theory M. F. Atiyah
- Classification of equivariant complex vector bundles over a circle J.-H. Cho;S. S. Kim;M. Masuda;D. Y. Suh
- On extensions of representations for compact Lie groups J.-H. Cho;M. K. Kim;D. Y. Suh
- Contemp. Math. v.36 Induction in equivariant K-theory and s-Smith equivalence of representations, Group Actions on Manifolds (R. Schultz, ed.) E. C. Cho;D. Y. Suh
- Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) v.4 Ordinary RO(G)-graded cohomology, G. Lewis, Jr.;J. P. May;J. E. McClure
- Contemp. Math. v.36 Lectures on transformation groups and Smith equivalence, Group Actions on Manifolds (R. Schultz, ed.) M. Masuda;T. Petrie
- Topology v.25 no.4 Restriction maps in equivariant K-theory J. E. McClure
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. v.347 no.1 On the coefficient groups of equivariant K-theory Y. Yang