• Coppens, Marc (Department Industrieel Ingenieur en Biotechniek Campus)
  • Published : 2000.05.01


Let C be a smooth k-gonal curve of genus g. We study the number of pencils of degree k on C. In case $g\geqk(k-a)/2$ we state a conjecture based on a discussion on plane models for C. From previous work it is known that if C possesses a large number of pencils then C has a special plane model. From this observation the conjectures are split up in two cases : the existence of some types of plane curves should imply the existence of curves C with a given number of pencils; the non-existence of plane curves should imply the non-existence of curves C with some given large number of pencils. The non-existence part only occurs in the range $k(k-1)/2\leqg\leqk(k-1)/2] if k\geq7$. In this range we prove the existence part of the conjecture and we also prove some non-existence statements. Those result imply the conjecture in that range for $k\leq10$. The cases $k\leq6$ are handled separately.



  1. T.A.M.S. v.251 On Castelnuovo's inequalities for algebraic curves I R. D. M. Accola
  2. Comment. Math. Helv v.56 Su una congettura di Petri E. Arbarello;M. Cornalba
  3. Math. Ann. v.256 Footnotes to a paper of Beniamino Segre. The number of $g^1_d$'s on a general d-gonal curve, and the unirationality of the Hurwitz space of 4-gonal and 5-gonal curves E. Arbarello;M. Cornalba
  4. Manuscr. Math. v.98 Linear systems on singular curves C. F. Carvalho
  5. J. reine angew. Math. v.501 Degenerations of planar linear systems C. Ciliberto;R. Miranda
  6. Preprint v.221 A study of 4-gonal curves of genus g ≥ 7 M. Coppens
  7. Ph. D. Thesis Utrecht One-dimensional linear systems of type II on smooth curves M. Coppens
  8. Bull. London Math. Soc. v.20 On G. Martens' characterization of smooth plane curves M. Coppens
  9. Arch. Math. v.52 Smooth curves possessing many linear systems $g^ 1_n$ M. Coppens
  10. Math. Ann. v.289 The gonality of general smooth curves with a prescribed plane nodal model M. Coppens
  11. Journal of Algebra v.145 Free linear systems on integral Gorenstein curves M. Coppens
  12. Math. Ann. v.307 The existence of k-gonal curves having exactly two linear systems $g^1_k$ M. Coppens
  13. Indag. Math. v.10 Smooth curves possessing a small number of linear systems computing the gonality M. Coppens
  14. Manuscripta Math. v.70 The gonality of smooth curves with plane models M. Coppens;T. Kato
  15. Boll. U.M.I. v.11-B The Weierstrass gap sequence at an inflection point on a nodel plane curves, aligned inflection points on plane curves M. Coppens;T. Kato
  16. T.A.M.S. v.350 Geometry of families of nodal curves on the blown-up of projective plane G.-M. Greuel;C. Lossen;E. Shustin
  17. Manuscripta Math. v.50 Le methode d'Horace pour l'interpolation a plusieurs variables? A. Hirschowitz
  18. Math. Ann. v.100 Sui moduli delle curve poligonali e sopra un complemento al teorema di Riemann B. Segre
  19. Canadian J. Math. v.41 On plane curves with nodes I R. Treger