- 蜂毒療法과 蜂鍼療法 金文昊
- 人體生理學 金祐謙
- 奇蹟의 藥鍼療法 金廷彦
- 經穴學叢書 安榮基
- 鍼灸學 崔용泰(外)
- 痛症 카톨릭대학대학원
- 大韓藥典 제5개정 1,2부 해설 한국약학대학협의회
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.13 no.1 蜂鍼毒療法이 抗炎,鎭痛 및 解熱에 미치는 效能에 關한 實驗的 硏究 高炯均
- 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.10 no.1 蜂鍼毒療法이 抗痙攣에 미치는 影響 孫賢淑
- 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.14 no.2 蜂毒藥鍼刺戟이 3-MCA誘發 上皮腫에 대한 抗癌 및 免疫反應에 미치는 影響 權奇錄;高炯均;金容奭;朴英培;金昌煥;姜成吉
- 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.14 no.2 蜂毒要法의 最新 硏究動向에 對한 考察 金祉榮;高炯均;金容奭;朴英培;金昌煥;姜成吉
- 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.15 no.1 蜂毒藥鍼療法의 抗炎症 作用에 關한 實驗的 硏究 金祉榮;高炯均;金容奭;朴英培;金昌煥;姜成吉
- 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.15 中脘 및 足三里의 蜂毒療法이 鎭痛效果에 미치는 影響 李宗奭;權奇錄;高炯均
- 大韓鍼灸學會誌 v.16 no.1 藥鍼用 蜂毒液의 局所毒性試驗에 關한 硏究 李宗奭;高炯均;金昌煥
- 中國醫學療法大全 麻仲學
- 中國鍼灸學發展史 壯育民
- 실용중의사전 주문봉
- 雲南中醫雜誌 張震
- Molecular Neurobiology Fos-Jun and primary gemomic resjponse in the nervous system:Possible physiological role and pathophysiological significance. Doucet S.P.;Squinto S.P.;Bazan N.G
- Rehabililitation of patients with rheumatic disorders. Nicholas J.J.;Rush P.J.
- Venom of the Hymenoptera Piek T.
- A pepride from the venom of the honey Bee Assen E.S.K.
- Nature v.245 An anti-inflmmantory peptide from bee venom Billingham M.E.
- J.Comp.Neurol v.296 Expressionof c-fos like protein as a maker for neuronal activity following noxious stimulation in the rat Bullitt E
- Neurosci.Lett. v.103 Application of the formalin test to the study of orofacial pain in the rat Clavelou P.;Pajot J.;Dallel R.;Raboisson R.
- Neurotic Lett. v.83 Subcutaneous formalin-induced activity of dorsal horn neurons in the rat dorsal horn neurons Dickinson A.H.;Sullivan A.F.
- Pain v.30 Subcutaneous formalin-induced activity of dorsal horn neurons in the rat:differential response to an intrathecal opiate administered pre or post formalin Dickenson A.H.;Sullivan A.F.
- Pain v.4 The formalin test;a quantative study of the analgesic effects of morphine,meperidine,and brain stem stimulation in rats and cats Duhuisson D.;Dennis S.G.
- Pain v.61 Dextromethorphan suppresses both formalin-induced nociceptive behavior and the formalin-induced increase in spinal cord c-fos mRNA Eliott K.J.;Brodsky Ml;Hynansky A.D.;Foley K.M.;Inturrisi C.E.
- Neuro-science v.42 no.3 The Antinociceptive Action of Surpraspinal Opiods Results from an Increase in Descending Inhibitory Control:Correlation of Nociceptive Behavior and c-fos Expression Gogas K.R.;Presley R.W.;Levine J.D.;Basbaum A.I.
- Br.J.pharmacol. v.50 Anti-inflammantory property of 401(MCD-peptide),a peptide from the venom of the bee Apis mellifera Hanson J.M.
- Br.J.Phamacol. v.90 After C-fibre and A-delta activity in models of inflammantion Heapy C.G.;Jamieson A.;Russell N.J.W.
- Nature v.328 Induction of c-fos like protein in spinal cord neurons following sensory stimulation Hunt S.P.;Pini A.;Evan G.
- Brain Res. v.577 Electroacupuncture modifies the expreession of c-fos in the spinal cord induced by noxious stimulation Lee J.H.;Beitz A.J.
- NeuroReport v.3 Nitric oxide mediates Fos expression in the spinal cord induced by mechanical noxious stimulation Lee J.H.;Wilcox G.L.;Beitz A.J.
- J.Comp. Neurol. v.285 Expression of c-fos protein in interneurons and projection neurons of the rat spinal cord in resonse to noxious somatic, articular, and visceral stimulation Memetrey D.;Gannon A.;Levine J.D.;Basbaum A.I.
- Nature v.322 Role of ion flux in the control of c-fos expression Morgan J.I.;Curran T.
- Biochem. Biophys. Res.Comm. v.238 Melittin binds to secretory phospholipase A2 and inhibits its enzymatic activetyQ Shamsher S.S.;Peterson J.W.;Chopra A.K.
- Pain v.38 Modified formalin test;characteristic biphasic pain response Shinbata M.;Ohkubo T.;Takahashi H;Inoki R.
- J.Neurosurg. v.82 no.6 Mapping of dermatomes of the lower extremities based on an animal model Takahashi Y.;Takahashi K.;Moriya H.
- Brain Res. v.535 Central nervous system plasticity in the tonic pain response to subcutaneous formalin injection Terence J.;Anthony C.;Vaccarino L.;Melzack R.
- Brit. J. Exp. Path v.41 no.2 The affinity of reticuloendotherial systim for various serum proteins Thorbecke G.J.
- Pain v.51 The formalin test;an evaluation of the method Tjolsen A.;Berge O-G;Hunskaar S.;Rosand J.H.;Hole K