- 대한지질학회지 v.33 풍암분지 퇴적층의 지진파속도 및 탄성계수 산출 김기영;김현규
- 대한지구물리학회지 v.2 풍암분지 중부지역의 고해상도 탄성파자료 해석 김기영;허식
- 대한지질공학회 학술발표회 진안분지 경계부근에서의 고해상도 반사파 조사연구 김기영;정성태;홍종국
- 제1차 대한지구물리학회 학술발표회 전기비저항 자료의 통계분석을 통한 퇴적분지의 경계선 규명 김지수;권일룡;양우헌;조성권
- 한국자원공학회지 v.30 천부파쇄대의 반사법탄성파 영상에 관한 상관 해석기법에 대한 연구 김지수;문우일;서정희
- 자원환경지질 v.31 중력추를 이용한 풍암분지 경계 부근에서의 고해상도 반사파탐사 김현규;김기영
- 다성분 복소 트레이스 분석법을 이용한 지진파 입자운동 연구 이소영;김기영;김한준
- 대한지질학회 제 51차 학술발표회 고해상도 반사파를 이용한 진안분지 경계 해석연구 정성태;김기영;홍종국
- 물리탐사 v.2 파쇄대 반사에너지의 AVO 및 복소트레이스분석에 관한 모형연구 한수형;김지수;하희상;민동주
- Tectonics v.1 Evolution of pull-apart basins and their scale independence Aydin, A.;Nur, A.
- Marine Geology of Korean Seas Chough, S.K.;Lee, H.J.;Yoon, S.H.
- SEPM Spec. Publ. v.37 Deformation and basin formation along strike-slip faults: in Strike-Slip Deformation, Basin Formation and Sedimentation Christie-Blick, N.;Biddle, K.T.;Biddle, K.T.(ed.);Christie-Blick, N.(ed.)
- SEPM Spec. Publ. v.22 Origin of late Cenozoic basins in southern California: in Tectonics and Sedimentation Crowell, J.C.;Dickinson, S.K.(ed.)
- The tectonics of Ridge Basin, southern California: in Geologic History of Ridge Basin Crowell, J.C.;Crowell, J.C.(ed.);Link, M.H.(ed.)
- Basin Research v.5 Basin geodynamics Dickinson, W.R.
- GSA Today v.9 Panel throws down gauntlet Dickinson, W.R,
- Electrical resistivity dipole-dipole data processing software Dipro
- Jour. of the Canadian Society of Explorartion Geophysicists v.20 First-break interpretation using generalized linear inversion Hampson, D.;Russell, B.
- Tectonics of sedimentary basins: in Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins Ingersoll, R.V.;Busby, C.J.;Busby, C..J.(ed.);Ingersoll, R.V.(ed.)
- Sequential development of depositional systems in a strike-slip basin: southern part of the Cretaceous Yongdong Basin, Korea Kim, B.C.
- Geosciences Journal v.1 The southeastern margin of the Cretaceous Youngdong Basin, Korea: a lacustrine fan-delta system Kim, B.C.;Yu, K.M.;Chun, H.Y.;Choi, S.J.;Kim, Y.B.
- Journal of the Geological Society of Korea v.10 Geological Report of the Yongdong Group, southern Korea Kim, K.B.;Hwang, J.H.
- Geophysics Imaging of reflection seismic energy for mapping shallow fracture zones in crystalline rocks Kim, J.;Moon, W.;Soonawala, N.;Lodha, G.
- Geoscience Journal v.2 Electrical resisivity and MT imaging in the northern-middle part of the Eumsung Basin Kim, J.;Shon, H.;Ryang, W.;Chough, S.
- Sedimentation and tectonic evolution of the Cretaceous Yongdong Basin, Korea Lee, D.W.
- Journal of Geology v.91 Development of pull-apart basins Mann, P.;Hempton, M.R.,;Bradley, D.C.;Burke, K.
- Strike-slip basins: in Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins Nilsen, T.H.;Sylvester, A.G.;Busby, C.J.(ed.);Ingersoll, R.V.(ed.)
- Sedimetary Geology v.129 Three-dimensional configuration of a pull apart-basin from high-resolution magnetotelluric profiling, Eumsung Basin Ryang, W.H.;Chough, S.K.;Kim, J.S,;Shon, H.
- Geologic Map of of Choson, Yongdong and Cheongsan Sheet(1:50,000) Shimamura, S.
- Journal of Geology v.107 Debris flow and hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposits in an alluvial fan, northwestern part of the Cretaceous Yongdong Basin, Central Korea Sohn, Y.K.;Rhee, C.W.;Kim, B.C.
- Electrical resistivity sounding data processing software Soundpro
- Constructive interference-geophysical mythology re-examined , continental lithosphere, deep seismic reflections Spaargaren, B.;Waner, M.
- Geophysics v.39 Estimation and correction of near-surface time anomalies Taner, M.T.;Koehler, F.;Sheriff, R.E.
- Application of amplitude, frequency, and other attributes to stratigraphic and hydrocarbon determination: in Applications to hydrocarbon exploration;AAPG Memoir 26 : Tulsa, Am. Assn. Petroleum Geologists Taner, M.T.;Sheriff, R.E.;Payton, C.E.(ed.)
- seismic data processing software Vista
- Explanatory Text of the Geological Map of Sangju Sheet(1:50000) Won, C.G.;Kim, K.T.
- Explanatory Text of the Geological Map of Seolcheon Sheet (1:50000) Yun, S.K.;Park, B.K.