- Proceeding of EESK Conference-Spring 1999 경상분지에서의 Coda파의 감쇠특성 김성균;김복희
- 지질학회지 v.35 경상분지에서의 P파 감쇠 김성균;전명순;김준경
- 한반도 지짙파 에너지감쇠 연구, 한국원자력연구소 보고서, KAERI-96-08 박창업
- 지구물리 v.1 한반도의 역사지진자료 이기화
- 지진연구, 한국자원연구소 보고서, KR-94(C) 전명순;지헌철;전정수
- 한국지구과학회지 한국남동부 지각의 P, S파 감쇠구조비교연구 정태웅
- 경상분지에서의 지진연구(III), 한국자원연구소보고서, KR-96(C)-4 지헌철;전정수;신인철
- 활성단층 조사평가연구-한반도 동남부지역, 한국자원연구소 보고서, KR-98(C)-22 최위찬;이동영;이봉주;류충렬;최범영;최성자;조등룡;김주용;이창범;기원서;양동윤;김인준;김유숙;유장한;채병곤;김원영;강필종;유일현;이희권
- Journal of Geophysical Research v.100 Earthquake source scaling relationship from -1 to 5 ML using seismograms recorded at 2.5-km depth Abercrombie, R.E.
- Physics of the Earth Planetary Interiors v.21 Attenuation of shear waves in the lithosphere for frequencies from 0.05 to 25Hz Aki, K.
- Cretaceous strata, in Geology of Korea Chang, K.H.;Lee, D.S.(ed.)
- Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America v.77 A novel technique for measuring Lgattenuation: results from Eastern Canada between 1 to 10 Hz Chun, K.Y.;West, G.F.;Kokoski, R.J.;Samson, C.
- Bulletin of the seismological Society of america v.72 The effects of attenuation and site response on the spectra of microearthquakes in the northeastern Caribbean Frankel, A.
- Journal of Geophysical Research v.95 Attenuation of high-frequency shear waves in the crust: measurements from New York State, South Africa and Southern California Frankel, A.;McGarr, A.;Bicknell, J.;Mori, J.;Seeber, L.;Cranswick, E.
- Spectral Analysis Hino, M.
- J. Geol. Soc. Korea v.20 A geophysical study of the Yangsan Fault area Lee, K.;Jeong, B.I.;Kim, Y.H.;Yang, S.J.
- Journal fo the Geological Society of Korea v.27 Segmentation of the Yangsan fault system: Geophysical studies on majour faults in the Kyeongsang basin Lee, K.;Jin, Y.G.
- Proceedings of EESK Conference Q estimates using the coda waves in the Kyungsang Basin Lee, W.S.;Lee, K.
- Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America v.72 Experimental study of the spectral content for shallow earthquakes Modiano, T.;Hatzfeld, D.
- Seismic wave propagation and scattering in the heterogeneous earth Sato, H.;Fehler, M.C.
- Metallogeny of an Andean type continental margin in South Korea, implications for opening of the Japan Sea, in Island Arcs, Deep Sea Trenches and Back Arc Basins, Maurice Ewing Ser., Vol. 1 Sillitoe, R.H.;Talwani, M.(ed.);Pitman, W.C. III(ed.)
- Bulletine of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo v.53 Spectral analysis of the coda waves from local earthquakes Tsujiura, M.
- Zisin v.20 Determination of earthquake magnitude from duration of oscillation Tsumura, K.
- Bulletine of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo v.45 Determination of earthquake magnitude from total duration of oscillation Tsumura, K.
- Geophysical Journal International v.114 Frequency-dependent attenuation of P and S waves in the Kanto area, Japna, based on the codanormalization method Yoshimoto, K.;Sato, H.;Ohtake, M.
- Pure Applied Geophysics v.153 Frequency-dependent attenuation of high-frequency P and S waves in the upper crust in western Nagano, Japan Yoshimoto, K.;Sato, H.;Ito, Y.;Ito, H.;Ohminato, T.;Ohtake, M.