Clinical Study of 1 case of patient with Quadriparesis diagnosed spinal cord infarction

척수경색(脊髓硬塞)으로 진단된 사지마비(四肢麻痺)환자 1례에 대한 임상 고찰

  • Kim, Su-Yeon (Department of Neuropsychiartry, Oriental Medical Hospital, Woo Suk University) ;
  • Kwon, Bo-Hyoung (Department of Neuropsychiartry, Oriental Medical Hospital, Woo Suk University) ;
  • Song, Beom-Yong (Department of Acupunture & Moxibustion, Oriental Medical Hospotal, Woo Suk University)
  • 김수연 (우석대학교 부속한방병원 신경정신과) ;
  • 권보형 (우석대학교 부속한방병원 신경정신과) ;
  • 송범용 (우석대학교 부속한방병원 침구과)
  • Received : 2000.11.08
  • Accepted : 2000.11.15
  • Published : 2000.12.20


By process of treatment for a case which diagnosed as spinal cord infarction and admitted from the 18th, April, 2000 to the 29th, July, 2000, the result are as foilows. Method and Results : In the earlier days of admission, this patient was diagnosed as damp-heat(濕熱) and was dosed with Cheongjo-tang. In medication, weakness in upper and lower limbs of the patient was improving. After diagnosed as Taeyangin, the patient was dosed with Ogapijangchuk-tang and punctured with Taeyangin Taegeuk-chim and Sagae-chim. As the result, Weakness in upper and lower limbs are improved remarkably. Conclusion : The prognosis of patients diagnosed spinal cord infarction is not so good. But, in the case of this patient, power and sense of four limbs improved remarkably through oriental medical treatment with rehabilitative therapy.



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