계피나무의 部位別 抗酸化 作用에 關한 硏究(Ⅰ)

Studies on the Effects of the Parts of Cinamomum cassia PRESL on the Antixidation(Ⅰ)

Park Ryung-Joon;Park Yong-Gi

  • 발행 : 20000000


The antioxidation effects of Cinnamomi Cortex (CC), Cinnarnomi Ramulus (CR), Cinnamomi Petiole (CP) on the radical scavenging ability from 1,1' -Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), activities of nitrate reductase (NR), superoxide dismutase (SOD), xanthine oxidase and lipid peroxidase (LPO) in rat liver cells were examined In in vitro studies, CR extract had greater DPPH-radical scavenging ability than CC and CP. The NR acitiviry in the cells was more increased by the treatments of CC and CR extracts than CP extract. The enzyme activity of Xanthine oxidase of CC was decreased. Also, levels of lipid peroxidation were proportionally decreased to concentrations of CR. The recovery by CR extract treatment was similar to the level of ascorbic acid treatment. Therefore, it seems that CR extract has similar effects on the antioxidation compared with ascorbic acid, well-known antioxidant. The data indicate that CR has a depressive effect on the production of free radicals and changes in the acitivities of enzymes involved in the antioxidation. Compared to others, CP had smaller effects on the anti oxidation. These results suggest that CR seems to have more potent effects on the antioxidation than other parts of Cinamomum cassia and different mechanisms might be involved in the anitoxidation processes of CC, CP, and CR.



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