劉河間의 運氣論과 그 運用에 관한 硏究

A Study of Hagan's Ungi(河間運氣) theory and its application to modern society

  • 이동호 (慶熙大學校 韓醫科大學 原典學敎室) ;
  • 박찬국 (慶熙大學校 韓醫科大學 原典學敎室)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.23


1. Ounyukki(五運六氣) theory was first developed from observation of astronomical phenomena. Natural phenomena were explained and incorporated into the concepts of Yukki(六氣), and Ohaeng(五行, the concept that all matter in the world are comprised of five fundamental elements), during Chon-guk(戰國) and Han(漢) periods. In that period. Kanji(干支, the method to present time with ten and twelve different kinds of symbol's combinations) was used to record Ounyukki(五運六氣). Theoretical study of Un-gi(運氣, the abbreviation of Ounyukki) was almost completed in Un-gichilpyon(運氣七篇) of Naekyong(內經). Un-gi(運氣) theory was further studied and considered to be very important socially, as well as medically, in Tang(唐), Song(宋), Kum(金), and Won(元) periods. Hagan(河間) published various studies based on Un-gi(運氣) theory in Kum won(金元) periods. 2. Hagan(河間) realized the limitation of a remedy method, of Sanghan(傷寒) theory. Therefore, he made an assumption that the prevalence of diseases in his period are closely related to Hwayol(火熱, a fire and a super-heat; two things out of Yukki(六氣)). His new theory was a result of the study on Kyongjon(經典, bibles of the oriental medicine) and the phenomena of nature. 3. Hagan(河間) used a combination of two basic theories of Pimuripsang(比物立象) and Hanhaesungjeron(亢害承制論) to make understood Hwayol(火熱) theory, Pimuripsang(比物立象) theory explains a method to appreciate the essence of things by comparing Sang(象, an expression of how something appears on the outside) and then making another Sang(象) from the comparison. Hanhaesungjeron(亢害承制論) is a theory to emphasize the importance of a balance of Yukki(六氣). It is that, if one of the elements is exceeded, other thing in the other five elements dominate the exceeded thing to control it for the balance between Yukki(六氣). In addition, he articulated P'yobon(標本. inside and outside of a thing) theory to differentiate the disease symptoms. These theories will help to distinguish real and fake symptoms of diseases, on which Hagan(河間) emphasized its importance. 4. Hagan(河間) published a new theory to explain Ounyukki(五運六氣) theory based on the observation of the nature and the experience from medical practice. And he added Chobyonggi(燥病機, course and rule causing disease in dry conditions) to Pyonggishipkujo(病機十九條, nineteen course and rule causing disease), it strengthened Pyonggi(病機, course and rule causing disease) theories. Moreover. he utilized Un-gi (運氣) theory in a real life situation by applying Un-giron(運氣論) to diagnosis like Maekchin(脈診, a method to diagnose by taking the pulse) and to prescription. 5. Modern society is an era in which it is hard to appreciate the principles of the changes due to the various unusual weather. Therefore, it is necessary to make a new paradigm using Un-gi(運氣) theory, like Hagan(河間) did in Kumwon(金元) period. 6. Unusual weather changes and the geriatric diseases such as cancer and diabetes, may have Sang(象) of Hwayol(火熱) theory at the other side. These diseases have been and will create more serious problems in modern society. As a method to solve these problems. it seems to be very important to understand and apply Hagan's(河間) Hawyol(火熱) theory to modern society.



  1. 欽定四庫全書 醫家類 傷寒直格 葛雍(篇)
  2. 豫防醫學과 公衆保健 姜福秀
  3. 엘니뇨 workshop 발표집 강인식
  4. 中華醫史雜誌 no.3 民間醫生劉河間 공純;馬堪溫
  5. 五運六氣學 해설 權依經
  6. 1997/98년 엘니뇨와 한반도 기상 특성 기상청 장기예보과
  7. 임상중풍삭 김영석
  8. 토종의학 암 다스리기 김인택(外)
  9. 運氣學講義錄 金海秀
  10. 衛生寶鑑 羅天益
  11. 지구환경보고서 1998 래스터 브라운
  12. 河南中醫 v.5期 論<內經>運氣學說對中醫理論的貢獻及其局限性 孟慶云
  13. 엘니뇨 workshop 발표집 엘니뇨 발달과 세계 기후변화
  14. 이상기후 workshop 엘니뇨와 이상기후 박정규
  15. 懸吐國譯黃帝內經注釋 朴贊國
  16. 한의학특강 朴贊國
  17. 五運六氣學(理論과 實際) 白南喆
  18. 遙寧中醫雜誌 v.5期 河間論中風的見微知著 范永升
  19. 江西中醫學 v.23 no.2期 六氣淫勝治則及制方規律初探
  20. 慶熙大學校 碩士學位論文 河間 의 生涯와 醫學思想 宋哲鎬
  21. 임상약학 v.5 no.14 각종 질환에 핵심적 역할을 하는 활성산소 안병희
  22. 中醫運氣學 楊力
  23. 遙寧中醫雜誌 v.3期 從영兒出生時間和性別探討<內經>天人相應規律 連維眞
  24. 運氣學說的硏究與考察 王琦(等)
  25. 欽定四庫全書 醫家類 皇帝內徑素問 王빙
  26. 北京中醫學院學報 v.14 no.1期 干支紀年與五運六氣 王玉川
  27. 上海中醫藥雜誌 v.2 劉河間學說管窺 劉樹農
  28. 福建中醫藥雜誌 no.4 河間學派開山-劉河間 兪愼初
  29. 素問入式運氣論奧(正統道藏 中在) 劉溫舒
  30. 素間要旨論(河間醫集 中在) 劉河間
  31. 欽定四庫全書 醫家類 三消論(儒門事親 中在) 劉河間
  32. 欽定四庫全書 醫家類 宣明方論 劉河間
  33. 欽定四庫全書 醫家類 素問病機氣宜保命集 劉河間
  34. 欽定四庫全書 醫家類 素問玄機原病式 劉河間
  35. 엘니뇨 workshop 발표집 엘니뇨현상과 농업 윤성호
  36. 대한원전의사학회지 v.12 no.1 運氣學說의 기원에 대한 硏究 尹暢烈
  37. 北京中醫學院學報 v.15 no.3期 運氣學說硏究之回顧 李文海;彭增福
  38. 中醫藥學報 v.2期 劉河間大小運氣儀 李仁述
  39. 기상이변(ElNino)과 한방건강 seminar 논문집 기후 변화와 노인 건강 이철완
  40. 金元四大醫家學術思想之硏究 李聰甫(等)
  41. 浙江中醫雜誌 no.6 論河間學派 任應秋
  42. 醫古文知識 v.總 43期 no.3 援易入醫 以易訓醫 張其成
  43. 五運六氣와 四象醫學 張永錫
  44. 北京中醫學院學報 v.16 no.1期 淺論 時不可違 和 舍時從證 張向群
  45. 欽定四庫全書 醫家類 저氏遺書 저澄
  46. 山東中醫學院學報 v.15 no.6 腦梗塞發生運氣節律與氣象天文相關性初探 田文劉
  47. 浙江中醫雜誌 no.8月號 三十五年來運氣學說硏究槪況 田維霖
  48. 원전의사학회지 v.11 no.1 亢害承制論의 發展過程과 意味에 대한 諸家說의 硏究 趙學俊;尹暢烈
  49. 山東中醫學院學報 no.1 從 素間玄機原病式 看劉完素的學術思想 宗全和
  50. 上海中醫雜誌 v.6期 論劉河間的臟腑六氣病機說 陳照甫
  51. 上海中醫雜誌 v.10期 劉完素學術思想近三十年硏究槪況 陳和亮
  52. 지구를 파괴하는 범죄자들 天笠啓祐(原著)
  53. 기상이변(El Nino)과 한방건강 seminar 논문집 기상이떤이 유발하는 질병과 한방치료 최삼섭
  54. 동의종양학 최승훈
  55. 임상약학 v.6 no.14 각종 질환에 핵심적 역할을 하는 활성 산소 한국업죤 학술부
  56. 宇宙變化의 原理 韓東錫
  57. 漢醫學大辭典(醫史文獻編) 漢醫學大辭典編纂委員會
  58. 校勘直譯 黃帝內經素問 洪元植
  59. 中國醫學史 洪元植