An Ultra Low-noise Radio Frequency Amplifier Based on a DC SQUID

  • Muck, Michael (Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley) ;
  • Ande, Marc-Olivier (Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley) ;
  • Kinion, Darin (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) ;
  • Clarke, John (Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley)
  • Published : 2000.10.01


We have developed an extremely sensitive radio frequency amplifier based on the dc superconducting quantum interference device (dc SQUID). Unlike a conventional semiconductor amplifier, a SQUID can be cooled to ultra-low temperatures (100 mK or less) and thus potentially achieve a much lower noise temperature. In a conventional SQUID amplifier, where the integrated input coil is operated as a lumped element, parasitic capacitance between the coil and the SQUID washer limits the frequency up to which a substantial gain can be achieved to a few hundred MHz. This problem can be circumvented. by operating the input coil of the SQUID as a microstrip resonator: instead of connecting the input signal between the two ends of the coil, it is connected between the SQUID washer and one end of the coil; the other end is left open. Such amplifiers have gains of 15 dB or more at frequencies up to 3 GHz. If required, the resonant frequency of the microstrip can be tuned by means of a varactor diode connected across the otherwise open end of the resonator. The noise temperature of microstrip SQUID amplifiers was measured to be between 0.5 K $\pm$ 0.3 K at a frequency of 80 MHz and 1.5 K $\pm$: 1.2 K at 1.7 GHz, when the SQUID was cooled to 4.2 K. An even lower noise temperature can be achieved by cooling the SQUID to about 0.4 K. In this case, a noise temperature of 100 mK $\pm$ 20 mK was achieved at 90 MHz, and of about 120 $\pm$ 100 mK at 440 MHz.
