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- J Infect Dis. v.182 no.2 The senescence-accelerated mouse shows aging-related defects in cellular but not humoral immunity against influenza virus infection Dong, L.(et al.)
- Mech Ageing Dev. v.115 no.1-2 Immunohistochemical analysis of ageing human B and T cell populations reveals an age-related decline of CD8 T cells in spleen but not gut-associated lymphoid tissue(GALT) Banerjee, M.(et al.)
- Blood v.95 no.9 Shortage of circulating naive CD8(+) T cells provides new insights on immunodeficiency in aging Fagnoni, F.F.(et al.)
- Puilos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. v.355 no.1395 Differences in the regulation of CD4 and CD8 T-cell clones during immune responses Beverley, P.C.(et al.)
- Clin. Immunol. v.94 no.3 Functional subsets within clonally expanded CD8(+) memory T cells in elderly humans Chamberlain, W.D.(et al.)
- Bull Acad Natl Med. v.183 no.6 Aging and the immune system Experimental aspects Barrat, F.(et al.)
- Exp Gerontol. v.34 no.2 Age-related alteration of cytokine production profile by T cell subsets in mice:a flow cytometric study Wakikawa, A.(et al.)
- Cell Immunol. v.183 no.2 CD4+ and CD8+ cell cytokine profiles in neonates. older children, and adults:increasing T helper type 1 and T cytotoxic type 1 cell populations with age Chipeta, J.(et al.)
- Isr Med Assoc J. v.2 no.9 Aging and the human immune system Breitbart, E.(et al.)
- Biol Neonate v.78 no.2 Maturational changes of lymphocyte surface antigens in human blood:comparison between fetuses, neonates and adults Schultz, C.(et al.)
- Clin Immunol. v.96 no.3 Response differences between human CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cells during CD28 costimulation:implications for immune cell-based therapies and studies related to the expansion of double-positive T-cells during aging Laux, I.(et al.)
- J Biomed Sci. v.7 no.4 Age-associated changes in interferon-gamma and interleukin-4 secretion by purified human CD4+ and CD8+ T cells Yen, C.J.(et al.)