We extended to find out the effect of serveral kinds of herbal medicion that administated to the patient suffer from iron deficiency anemia, that was prescribed according to differentiation of syndromes. Iron deficiency anemia is generlly differentiated as defiency of Ki and blood, hypofunction of the spleen and stomach, and insufficiency of the spleen and kidney in orinetal medicine. This patient was differentiated as defiency of Ki and blood. hypofunction of the spleen and stomach. So we prescribed Hyangsayangwi-tang, Ickibohyoul-tang and Ickibohyoul-tang ga Antler for the patient in turn. When administated Hyangsayangwi-tang and Ickibohyoul-tang, there was a little improvement in symptom but no improvement in hemonalysis. When administrated Ickibohyoul-tang ga Antler there was dominent improvement in both of symptom and hemonalysis. From this case. it is thought that added Antler-tonifying recipe is very effective to iron deficiency anemia and that more studies and examinations are needed in futher.
철결핍성 빈혈치료에 있어서 변증(辨證)에 따라 익기보혈탕(益氣補血湯)에 녹용(鹿茸)을 가(加)해서 투여하여 임사증상과 혈액검사상 유의할 만한 치료효과를 볼 수 있었으며, 향후 양방적인 처치와 함께 유효성에 대한 비교분석 및 임상연구가 필요할 것으로 사료(思料)된다.