단삼음(丹蔘飮)이 고지혈증(高脂血症)에 미치는 영향(影響)

The Experimental Study on the Effects of Dansamyeum on Hyperlipidemia

  • 김병철 (경산대학교 한의과 대학 심계내과학 교실) ;
  • 박치상 (경산대학교 한의과 대학 심계내과학 교실) ;
  • 박창국 (경산대학교 한의과 대학 심계내과학 교실) ;
  • 이은주 (경산대학교 한의과 대학 심계내과학 교실)
  • Kim, Byeung-Chul (Department of Circulatory Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-san University) ;
  • Park, Chi-Sang (Department of Circulatory Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-san University) ;
  • Park, Chang-Gook (Department of Circulatory Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-san University) ;
  • Lee, Eun-Ju (Department of Circulatory Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-san University)
  • 발행 : 2000.08.30


Objectives : In order to study effects of Dansamyeum on Hyperlipidemia which causes Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis, Cerebral vascular disease and Ischemic heart disease Methods : The changes of serum total lipid, triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, body weight and organ weight were observed after the liquid extracts of Single-dosage Dansamyeum and Double-dosage Dansamyeum were administered p.o to the Hyperlipidemic rats induced by 1% cholesterol diet for 10, 20 and 30 days. Results : The body weight was significantly decreased in Double-dosage Dansamyeum group for 20 and 30 days compared with control group. The contents of total lipid were significantly decreased in Single-dosage Dansamyeum group for 20 days, but Double-dosage Dansamyeum group did not show any significant change compared with control group. The contents of total cholesterol were significantly decreased in Single-dosage Dansamyeum group for 20 days, and Double-dosage Dansamyeum group showed significant changes for 10 and 20 days compared with control group. The contents of triglyceride were significantly decreased in Single-dosage Dansamyeum group for 30 days, and Double-dosage Dansamyeum group showed significant changes for 10 days compared with control group. The contents of HDL-cholesterol were significantly increased in Single-dosage Dansamyeum group and Double-dosage Dansamyeum group for 10 days compared with control group. The contents of LDL-cholesterol were significantly decreased in Single-dosage Dansamyeum group for 10, 20 and 30 days, and Double-dosage Dansamyeum group showed significant changes for 10, 20 and 30 days compared with control group. The liver weight was significantly decreased in Single-dosage Dansamyeum group and Double-dosage Dansamyeum group compared with control group. The kidney and testis weight was significantly decreased in Single-dosage Dansamyeum group compared with control group. The spleen weight was significantly decreased in Double-dosage Dansamyeum group compared with control group. Conclusions : It was thought that Single-dosage Dansamyeum and Double-dosage Dansamyeum could be applied effectively to the Hyperlipidemia.



  1. 淸暈化痰湯이 脂質代謝에 미치는 影響 金珍泰
  2. 凉膈散이 血壓 및 脂血에 미치는 影響 盧鉉栢
  3. 桃紅四物湯 및 丹參飮이 血栓生成抑制에 미치는 影響 申大澈
  4. HARRISON'S 內科學 해리슨 내과학 편찬위원회
  5. 家庭醫學 醫學敎育硏修院
  6. 內科學 II 서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실
  7. 死亡原因統計年譜 統計廳
  8. 臨床檢査提要 高文社編輯部
  9. 實用中西醫結合診斷治療學 陣貴延
  10. 東醫心系內科學 李京燮(外)
  11. 韓方臨床病理學 鄭遇悅;安圭錫
  12. 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.5 疎風湯 및 加味疎風湯이 高脂血症에 미치는 影響 權寧哲(外)
  13. 防風通聖散이 高血壓 高脂血에 미치는 影響 李南勳
  14. 羌活愈風湯이 實驗的 高脂血症의 豫防에 미치는 影響 權浚哲
  15. 鉤藤散이 自發性 高血壓 白鼠의 血壓 및 血淸에 미치는 影響 下一
  16. 高血壓 및 高脂血症에 對한 淸熱導痰湯의 實驗的 硏究 李大植
  17. 導痰湯이 高脂血症 實驗動物에 미치는 效果 金瑩均
  18. 半夏白朮天麻湯이 高血壓 및 高脂血症에 미치는 影響 金弘형
  19. 淸上瀉火湯이 血壓 및 脂質代謝에 미치는 影響 宋孝貞
  20. 淸心瀉火丸이 高血壓 및 高脂血症에 미치는 影響 宋美德
  21. 대한한방내과학회지 v.18 no.2 콜레스테롤식 誘發 高脂血症 白鼠에 대한 五黃瀉火湯의 효과 張鏞秀(外)
  22. 身痛逐瘀湯이 高血壓 및 高脂血症에 미치는 影響 全熙京
  23. 七物降下湯이 血壓 및 高脂血症에 미치는 影響 金圭弼
  24. 대한한의학회지 v.18 no.2 歸脾湯加味方이 高血壓 및 高脂血症에 미치는 影響 盧珍煥(外)
  25. 대한한의학회지 v.14 no.2 加減柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯이 高脂血症에 미치는 影響 宋旭(外)
  26. 高血壓 및 高脂血症에 대한 補陽還五湯의 實驗的 硏究 鄭宇相
  27. 兩儀拱辰丹이 高血壓 및 高脂血症에 미치는 影響 李龍熙
  28. 枳實이 自發性 高血壓 白鼠의 血壓 및 血淸에 미치는 影響 鄭炳億
  29. 桂枝가 實驗的 高脂血症의 豫防 및 治療效果에 미치는 影響 鄭南燮
  30. 桑枝의 效能에 관한 實驗的 硏究 柳京周
  31. 桑枝가 高血壓 및 動脈硬化에 미치는 影響에 관한 實驗的 硏究 鄭址昌
  32. 桑枝가 實驗的 高脂血症의 豫防 및 治療效果에 미치는 影響 鄭南燮
  33. 魚腥草가 實驗的 高脂血症의 豫防에 미치는 影響 李晸源
  34. 陳修園醫書五十種 陳念祖
  35. 天眞處方解說 李尙仁
  36. 方劑學 上海中醫學院(編)
  37. 中醫處方解說 ${cdot}$ 臨床 ${cdot}$ 應用 鄭津牟
  38. 丹參飮과 그 構成藥物이 瘀血病態模型에 미치는 影響 趙南仁
  39. 丹參飮이 實驗動物의 心血管系에 미치는 影響 申善浩
  40. Am. J. Clin. Pathology v.53 A colorimetric method for determination of total serum lipid based on the sulfuric-phospho vanillin reaction Frings, C.S.;Dunn, R.T.
  41. J. Lab. and Clin. Med. v.50 Micromethod for the determination of serum trighlyceride Van Handel, E.;Zilversmit, D.B.
  42. Clin. v.20 Enzymatic determination of total cholesterol Allail, C.
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  44. Clin. Chem. v.18 A simple method for the isolation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma without use of the preparative ultra centrifuge Folch, Less M.;Sloanestanley, G.H.
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  46. 長壽學 리정복(외)
  47. 本草學 全國韓醫科大學 本草學敎授(共編著)
  48. 中草藥學 上海中醫學院
  49. 임상병리파일 이귀녕;이종순