- 金궤要略譯釋 李克光(主編)
- Yakugaku Zasshi. v.96 a new choleretic substance Komiya, T.;Tsukui, M.;Oshio, H.;Capillarisin, I.
- Chem. Pharmacol. Bull. v.36 Studies on choleretic constituents in Artemisia capillaris THUNB. Okuno, I.;Uchida, K.;Nakamura, M.;Sakurawi, K.
- J. Ethnopharmacol. v.26 Vascular dilatory action of Artemisia capillaris bud extracts and their active constituent Yamahara, J.;Kobayashi, G.;Matsuda, H.;Kaayama, T.;Fujimura, H.
- Chem. Pharmacol. Bull. v.37 Vascular dilatory action of the Chinese crude drug II. Effects of scoparone on calcium mobilization Yamahara, J.;Kobayashi, G.;Matsuda, H.;Iwamoto, M.;Fujimura, H.
- Chem. Pharmacol. Bull. v.37 The effect of scoparone, a coumarin derivative isolated from the Chinese crude drug Artemisiae capillaris flos, on the heart Yamadara, J.;Kobayashi, G.;Matsuda, H.;Katayama, T.;Fujimura, H.
- Yakugaku Zasshi. v.76 Studies on the essential oil of Artemisia capillaris Thunb. III. Antifungal activity of the essential oil. (3). Structure of antifungal principles, capillin Imai, K.
- Heterocycles v.19 Liver-protective drugs. 5. Validity of the oriental medicines. Part 42. Structure of arcapillin, an antihepatotoxic principle of Artemisia capillaris herbs Kiso, Y.;Sasaki, K.;Oshima, Y.;Hikino, H.
- Shoyakugaku Zasshi v.32 Determination of scoparone, capillarin and capillin in the crude drug Inchinko Akahori, A.;Kagawa, K.;Okuno, I.
- Phytochemistry v.16 The essential oil of Artemisia capillaris Miyazawa, M.;Kameoka, H.
- 대한민국 특허(특허출원번호 99-17755호) 김철호;김종대;박원환;진언호;정성욱
- Shoyakugaku Zasshi v.37 Pharmacognostical studies on the crude drug Inchinko in Japan(VI). Seasonal variation in chemical constituesnts of Artemisia capillaris THUNB. Okuno, I.;Kagawa, K.;Noro, Y.;Namba, T.
- Shoyakugaku Zasshi v.47 On the evaluation of the preparation of Chinese medicinal prescriptons. VII. HPLC analysis of the components in Inchinkoto and Inchingoreisan Wang, X.;Saito, K.;Kano, Y.
- 간계내과학 전국한의과대학 肝系內科學敎授
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- 慶熙大學校論文集 v.1 茵蔯五 散의 간질환 치료효과에 관한 연구 金光湖;文濬典
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- 浙江中醫學院學報 v.18 no.2 淺淡濕與病毒性肝炎 游建민;周建
- 晴崗醫鑑 金永勳
- 上海中醫藥雜誌 v.23 肝硬化腹水辨治一得 王壽生
- 漢藥臨床應用 安德均;李尙仁;辛民敎;盧昇鉉;李映鍾;金先熙
- 新編中藥大辭典 新文豊出版公司(編)
- 圖設韓方醫藥大辭典 陳存仁