가감보아탕(加減補兒湯)의 조혈(造血) 및 면역증진(免疫增進)에 관한 연구(硏究)

Studies on Kagamboatang(KGBT) on the Hematopoiesis and Proliferation of Immune Function in Mice

  • 김윤희 (대전대학교 대학원 한의학과 소아과학) ;
  • 유동열 (대전대학교 대학원 한의학과 소아과학)
  • 발행 : 2000.08.15


The KGBT has been used to weak children with anorexia, fatigue, and growth retardation. This study was carried out to prove the effects of the hematopoiesis and the immune proliferation by KGBT. Previously, C57BL/6 mice was treated with cyclophosphamide(100mg/kg) for leukopenia, and then administered KGBT (concentration is 1.37 g/kg, 504 mg/kg, and 137 mg/kg) to the treated mice. The mice was analyzed expression of thrombopoietin(TPO), stem cell factor(SCF) and interleukin-3 from bone marrow cell, interleukin-10 (IL-10), and interferon-$ {\gamma}$(INF-${\gamma}$) from splenic cell, and NOSⅡ gene from macrophage using by RT-PCR. Also proliferation of immune cell was analyzed using 3H-thymidine uptake and flow cytometery in splenic cells. The results were obtained as follows ; 1. The total number of WBC, RBC and PLT was increased in the KGBT treated group than in the control group. 2. In vitro, the proliferation of splenic cells was increased in normal, control, and KGBT treated group. And Administration of KGBT was reduced the cytotoxicity by CTX. 3. In bone marrow cell, the gene expression of immune regulatory factor that associated with hematopoiesis, such as TPO, SCF, and IL-13 was increased in the KGBT treated group than control. 4 The titer of hemagglutinin and hemolysin was increased in the KGBT treated group than control. 5. In analysis of positive leucocytes from splenic cell of BALB/c mice, the subpopulation percent of CD4+, CD8+,and CD19+ was increased in the KGBT treated group than control. The KGBT has been used to weak children with anorexia, fatigue, and growth retardation. This study was carried out to prove the effects of the hematopoiesis and the immune proliferation by KGBT. Previously, C57BL/6 mice was treated with cyclophosphamide(100mg/kg) for leukopenia, and then administered KGBT (concentration is 1.37 g/kg, 504 mg/kg, and 137 mg/kg) to the treated mice. The mice was analyzed expression of thrombopoietin(TPO), stem cell factor(SCF) and interleukin-3 from bone marrow cell, interleukin-10 (IL-10), and interferon-$ {\gamma}$(INF-${\gamma}$) from splenic cell, and NOSⅡ gene from macrophage using by RT-PCR. Also proliferation of immune cell was analyzed using 3H-thymidine uptake and flow cytometery in splenic cells. The results were obtained as follows ; 1. The total number of WBC, RBC and PLT was increased in the KGBT treated group than in the control group. 2. In vitro, the proliferation of splenic cells was increased in normal, control, and KGBT treated group. And Administration of KGBT was reduced the cytotoxicity by CTX. 3. In bone marrow cell, the gene expression of immune regulatory factor that associated with hematopoiesis, such as TPO, SCF, and IL-13 was increased in the KGBT treated group than control. 4 The titer of hemagglutinin and hemolysin was increased in the KGBT treated group than control. 5. In analysis of positive leucocytes from splenic cell of BALB/c mice, the subpopulation percent of CD4+, CD8+,and CD19+ was increased in the KGBT treated group than control. 6. The expression of IL-10 gene was reduced in the KGBT treated group than control, whereas the expression of INF-${\gamma}$ was increased in the KGBT treated group. 7. In macrophage, the production of NO and gene expression of NOSH was increased in the KGBT treated group than control. 8. After infection of EMC virus, the survival time of infected mice was longer in the KGBT treated group than control.



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