Significance Test for Electric Potential of Meridian System - Between hand and foot meridian, yin and yang meridian, exterior and interior of the body, and among the five elements -

정상인의 12경맥 측정전위에 대한 유의성 분석 - 고전경락이론의 수족 . 음양 . 장부의 표리와 오행 . 육기의 표리와 오행을 중심으로 -

  • 최환수 (한국한의학연구원 학술정보부) ;
  • 남봉현 (한국한의학연구원 의료연구부)
  • Published : 2000.04.30


Objectives : Assuming that the characteristic of meridian system has been similar to this of electric potentials in human body and that measurements of electric potential at well(井穴) and sea(合穴) points in branches of the twelves meridians will be representative of measurements of the twelve meridians, to measure the electric potentials in twenty healthy volunteers when they were sleeping or waking respectively, to do significance test for electric potential of meridian system between hand and foot meridian, yin and yang meridian, exterior and interior of the body, and among the five elements. Methods : When twenty healthy volunteers were sleeping, their electric potentials of well and sea points in branches of the twelve meridians were simultaneously measured by physiograph. After a minute we measured them again, totally 5 times. And then when they were waking, their electric potentials were measured 5 times by the above method. Results : Measurements were analyzed by statistical t-test, we obtained that the left side electric potential of hand or yin meridian was significantly different from that of foot or yang meridian both sleeping and waking. The right side of electric potential was the same result as the left side's. Most of the t-test was significant between exterior and interior of the body, and among the five elements. That meaned that it was partly possible to apply the ancient theory of meridians to the study of electric potential at well and sea points in branches of the twelves meridians.
