Cardenolides and ${\beta}$-Sitosterol Glucoside from Pergularia tomentosa L.

Pergularia tomentosa L.로부터의 카르데노리드와 ${\beta}$-시토스테롤 글루코사이드

  • Gohar, Ahmed A. (Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University) ;
  • El-Olemy, M.M. (Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, King Saud University) ;
  • Abdel-Sattar, Essam (Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University) ;
  • El-Said, M. (Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, King Saud University) ;
  • Niwa, M. (Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University)
  • Published : 2000.09.01


The aerial parts of Pergularia tomentosa L. afforded three cardenolides, desglucouzarin, coroglaucigenin and uzarigenin, in addition to ${\beta}$-sitosterol$glucoside. The isolated compounds were identified by physical and spectral means, including IR, UV, $$[{\alpha}]_D$, 1D-, 2D-NMR and FAB-MS experiments. The cardenolides, ghalakinoside, calactin and pergularoside previously reported from roots, were also identified in the aerial parts.

본 논문은 Pergularia tomentosa L.로부터의 카르데노리드와 ${\beta}$-시토스테롤 글루코사이드를 연구한 논문으로 주요내용으로는 Pergularia tomentosa L.의 지상부로부터 ${\beta}$-시토스테롤 글루코사이드와 함께 3가지 카데노이드, desglucouzarin, coroglaucigenin와 uzarigenin를 얻었다. 분리된 화합물은 IR, UV, $[{\alpha}]_D$, ID-, 2D-NMR 및 FAB-MS 실험을 포함하는 물리적 수단과 분광수단을 이용하여 동정되었다. 이전에 식물뿌리로부터 보고된 카르데노리드, ghalakinoside, calactin과 pergularoside가 지상부에서도 동정되었다는 내용이다.
