용접부 3차원 표면균열선단에서의 구속상태

The 3D Surface Crack-Front Constraints in Welded Joins

  • 발행 : 2000.01.01


초록 The validity, of a single parameter such as stress intensity, factor K or J-integral in traditional fracture mechanics depends strongly on the geometry, and loading condition. Therefore the second parameter like T-stress measuring the stress constraint is additionally needed to characterize the general crack-tip fields. While many, research works have been done to verify, the J-T description of elastic-plastic crack-tip stress fields in plane strain specimens, limited works (especially. for bimaterials) have been performed to describe the structural surface crack-front stress fields with the two parameters. On this background, via detailed three dimensional finite element analyses for surface-cracked plates and straight pipes of homogeneous materials and bimaterials under various loadings, we investigate the extended validity or limitation of the two parameter approach. We here first develop a full 3D mesh generating program for semi-elliptical surface cracks, and calculate elastic T-stress from the obtained finite element stress field. Comparing the J-T predictions to the elastic-plastic stresses from 3D finite element analyses. we then confirm the extended validity of fracture mechanics methodology based on the J-T two parameters in characterizing the surface crack-front fields of welded plates and pipes under various loadings.



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