Ti-6Al-4V 분말 성형체의 상온 및 고온에서의 치밀화 거동

Densification Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Powder Compacts at Room and High Temperatures

  • 발행 : 2000.05.01


Viscoplastic response and densification behaviors of Ti-6AI-4V powder compacts under uniaxial compression are studied at room and high temperatures with various initial relative densities and strain rates. The yield function and strain-hardening law proposed by Kim and co-workers were implemented into a finite element program (ABAQUS) to compare experimental data with finite element calculations for porous Ti6A14V powder compacts. Displacement-relative density, displacement-load relations and deformed geometry of Ti-A14V powder compacts were compared with finite element results. Density distributions in Ti-6AI-4V powder compacts were also measured and compared with finite element results.



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