도.토기의 화학조성-경주 황남대총 출토 도.토기를 중심으로
The scientific analysis of potteries excavated from Kyong-ju relics-In terms of potsherds excavated from Wangkyong, Walsung, Hwangnam great tomb
Hong, Jong-Ouk
(National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage) ;
- Moon, Whan-Suk (National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage) ;
Hwong, Jin-Ju
(National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage) ;
- Jo, Nam-Cheol (National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage)
- 발행 : 1999.12.20
This paper presents the results of investigation on crystal, firing temperature and trace elements analysis of fragments 4~8 centriesexcavated from Kyong ju historical sites such as Wang kyong,Walsung, Hwangnam great tomb by application of optical microscope, neutron activation analysis and X-ray diffraction. Temper analysis of clay for identification of local or foreign production; Trace elements is not presented a unique chemical composition. That’s data have to be treated a statistical process in order to normalize. The results followed ;(1) Firing temperature could be estimated