耳鍼을 活用한 禁煙鍼 施術이 吸煙靑少年들에게 미치는 影響

Effects on Stop of smoking in Adolescents by Auricular Acupupcture Therapy

  • 최수철 (圓光大學校 韓醫科大學 外官科學敎室) ;
  • 황충연 (圓光大學校 韓醫科大學 外官科學敎室)
  • 발행 : 19990200


Recently WHO death from smoking-related illness would increase more than a thousand in the future. But in spite of various harms, smoking cigarette in developing countries is increasing especially in the adolescents. So in order to evaluate whether auricular acupuncture therapy is effective to quit smoking, clinical examination was carried out. And the results showed that age of starting smoking become lower. The cause of smoking is curiosity, relaxation, envy and comradeship. For this reason they want to stop smoking but feel it is difficult to do. Cigarette smoking didn't show any significant change after auricular acupuncture in both control and therapy. And physical and psychological change did not present any significance. However, auricular acupuncture therapy was appeared to be effective to stop smoking. So with these results, further systemic research to examine the effect of auricular acupuncture is seem to be necessary.
