Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing (기본간호학회지)
- Volume 6 Issue 2
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- Pages.331-346
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- 1999
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- 1225-9012(pISSN)
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- 2287-1802(eISSN)
A Study for the Development of the Fundamental Nursing Practice Education -Focused on A Nursing College -
기본간호실습교육의 발전을 위한 일 연구 -일 지역의 3년제 간호대학을 중심으로-
Many studies have reported that a lot of nursing colleges do not have good facilities for the nursing practice in hospitals, so many students do not have the good ability which is needed to be a competent nurse. The purpose of this study was to develop a program in which students could improve their ability in fundamental nursing skills before the graduation. This study was primarily designed to identify items of the fundamental nursing practice in which nursing college students have perceived deficiencies. According to previous studies, a total 75 items were presented. In Identifying them, a modified Porter format was used. The questionnaire contained three sections. A. How well do you think you can/could perform the item when you graduate/graduated the college? B. How well do you think you should perform/should be able to perform the item when you graduate/graduated the college? C. How important do you think the item is? For each of the 75 items, the respondents were instructed to answer the above three questions, by circling a number on a rating scale extending from 1 to 5, where low numbers represented a low degree of performance or minimum amount, and high numbers represented a high degree of performance or maximum amount. The perceived degree of deficiency in performance on each questionnaire item was obtained by subtracting the answer to Part A of an item from that to of Part B. The larger difference means a larger perceived degree of deficiency in performance. This method of measuring the perceived degree of deficiency in performance is an indirect measure derived from two direct answers by the respondent for each item. From this result Part C of each item was used to rank the items, and the items were prioritized. The items which had the highest priority were IV injection, simple catheterization, indwelling catheterization, CPR, and nurse recording. By this method, through these results from a nursing college, and the items which will be used first in developing the supplementation program for nursing college students can be identified.