A Study on the Visual Application of Humor Effects and its possibilities

유머효과의 시각적 적용과 그 가능성

  • 박영원 (청주대학교 예술대학 산업디자인학과)
  • Published : 1999.12.01


The visual humor can be regarded as an original source for creative ideation. There are several types of humor. for example,'wit, satire, irony and so on. These can be motivations of developing an up-to-date idea. Wit differs from most humor in being purely intellectual, rather than relying on incongruities that come up naturally in many situations. The humor of words contains pun, hyperbole, repetition, and comparison or contrast. Especially in case of pun, it can be most important type of humor for making analytical and humorous effects visually. Pun, meaning the humor of double meaning, furnish us with much of our humor. The concept of pun is the most valuable for creating the visual humor by substituting, combining and manipulating symbols. There are essentially three distinct categories of puns : the literal pun, the suggestive pun, and the comparative pun. All types of puns belong to one of these three groups. The definitions are simple to understand and easy to apply for creating the visual humor, In order to develop a better conceptual model, (this researcher) reexamine the concept of humor, the relationship of humor to various types of message processing, and the relationship of humor to various aspects of message. This thesis. is primarily concerned with basic theories of humor such as concepts of humor, types of humor and analysis of humor. And this contains the research of humor's communications effects and theory of humor response with literature reviews. Modem theories of humor response generally fall into three major schools : Incongruity theories, Superiority theories and Arousal (Relief theories. Together these three approaches address the cognitive-perceptual, affective-evaluative and psycho-dynamic dimensions of a subject's humor response. The literature research of humor and humor response theory in communications and visual communications can help the visual application of humor concepts and usefulness of visual humor appeals. This research agreed that the humor and visual humor must be very effective at being as a means for the advertising expression, not for the purpose itself. In addition, this research is aimed at studying significations and usefulness of visual humor through semiotic approaches in the near future. Then it can be essencial research for the appropriate situational uses of humor related to media, product, and audience factors, such as nationality, age, standard of living, sexuality, and so on.
