A Study on Seok-kok Lee, Kyu-jun's Pu-yang-non

석곡 이규준의 부양론(扶陽論)에 관한 연구(硏究)

  • 황원덕 (동의대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • Published : 1999.10.31


On the viewpoint of Nae-Kyung and Ju-Yeok, the Seok-Kok's Pu-Yang-Non and other oriental medical doctor's Po-Eum-Eok-Yang, Pu-Yang-Eok-Eum theory which are on the basis of the Kun-Shin-Sang-Wha theory of Nae-Kyung and Myung-Mun theory of Nan-Kyung were compared and studied. The results were as follows : 1. Ju-Yeok and Nae-Kyung said the South is Fire. And explained it as the chief object of life activity by likening to king or saint. And said the North is Water. but didn't mentioned that there exists Fire. The activity of Kun-Wha is regarded as the the chief object of life activity and the Shin-Su can be vatalized by receiving the Shim-Kun-Wha. Therefore, the Seok-Kok's opinion that Shang-Wha is the Fire received by Shin-Su matchs the theory of Nae-Kyung and Nan-Kyung. 2. The Kidney(Shin) in Nae-Kyung means Puk-Bang- Han-Su(The North Cold Water) which has two characters, charging and discharging, ascending and descending. The paragrap "Kam-Ga-Seub(坎加習)" in Ju-Yeok means Puk-Bang-Su(The North Water) which also has two characters, charging and discharging, ascending and descending. The beginning and the end. And One Eum and Two Yang of Ri Sign of divination(離卦) cannot be divided into Su-Jang and Wha-Jang, the same as that, One Yang and Two Eum of Kam Sign of divination(坎卦) is Puk-Bang-Han-Su which cannot be divided into Shin and Myung-Mun. The theory of Choa-Shin-Woo-Myung-Mun of Nan-Kyung is the result that the Shin which has two characters is regarded as two organs. Therefore, from the viewpoint of Nae-Kyung and Ju-Yeok, the Seok-Kok's opinion that the Shin is the Puk-Bang-Han-Su which charges from the right and discharges to the left is more proper. 3. For the first time, the right kidney(Woo-Shin) defined as Myung-Mun in the Nan-Kyung and it is trailblazing theory which dosen't exist in the Nae-Kyung. But from the viewpoint of Nae-Kyung, Myung-Mun-Shang-Wha which some oriental medical doctors thought importantly is considered as Shim-Po which is in charge of the order of Shim(心命). 4. The rush of heat to the upper part(上熱) is raised by blind acting of Shang-Wha which exists in the lower part. This theory is on the basis of the Myung-Mun-Shang-Wha theory of Nan-Kyung. The theory that Wha is in the Shin(Kidney) doesn't exist and only the theory exists that the fever happens by the Kun-Wha not going down but ascending in the Nae-Kyung. Therefore the Shang-Wha blind acting theory of the lower part is not coincided with the theory of Nae-Kyung. 5. When the Vital power(陽氣) is blocked by bad tendencies(邪氣) like uncontrolled joy and anger or too much cold and heat etc, the trapped heat(鬱熱) or Ascending Shang-Wha apper, so Vital power itself cannot have blind activity or excess. Therefore, the theory of oriental medical doctors that the remaining vital power is the fire(氣有餘便是火) cannot be materialized. 6. On the basis of the Woo-Shin-Myung-Mun theroy, oriental medical doctors attached importance to Shin-Eum and Shin-Yang. So they emphasized on Ja-Eum-Gang-Wha or On-Bo-Shin-Yang for curing the Fire. Contrarily, On the viewpoint of siding with the vital power which is the Good and repressing the bad tendency which is the Bad, and another viewpoint that when the vital power which is Shim-Kun-Wha moves through the body consistently and fills up the body, then the enery and blood can be made, the Seok-Kok's theory is coincided with the theory of Nae-Kyung.
