설명변수를 고려한 불완전 사용현장데이터 분석

Analysis of Incomplete Field Data with Covariates

  • 오영석 (한국과학기술원 산업공학과) ;
  • 최인수 ((주)한국패널리서치) ;
  • 배도선 (한국과학기술원 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.31


This paper proposes methods of estimating lifetime distribution from incomplete field data under parametric regression models. Failure-record data-failure times and covariates-reported to the manufacturer can be seriously incomplete for satisfactory inference since only reported failures are recorded. This paper assumes that within-warranty data are reported with probability $P_1$ ($\leq1$) and after-warranty data are reported with Methods of obtaining pseudo and after-warranty data are reported with $P_2$ (< $P_1$). Methods of obtaining pseudo maximum likelihood estimators(PMLEs) are outlined, their asymptotic properties are studied, and specific formulas for Weibull distribution are obtained. Simulation studies are perfumed to investigate the effects of follow-up percentage on the PMLEs.
