The Design of the Workflow Management System for Engineering Change Approval

설계 변경 승인을 위한 Workflow Management System 설계

  • 이창수 (명지대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 김선호 (명지대학교 산업공학과)
  • Published : 1999.03.31


As most of information systems developed are data-centric rather than process-centric, it is difficult for users to understand and manage the system from the viewpoint of work processes. To resolve the problem of the data-centric design, we propose a new method to design WFMSs(Workflow Management Systems), which are focused on processes and modified from current information engineering methods. In this research, the drawing approval and engineering change approval process of a K manufacturing company has been analyzed as a sample process. This method takes two steps, i.e., process analysis and system design. In the prosess analysis, data and processes are analyzed, and functions and tasks are derived from the processes. In the system design, a data model for the operation of WFMS is designed, and based on this data model, build-time and run-time functions of WFMS are designed.
