드릴가공 최적화에 대한 연구(2): 구멍가공시 최적의 드릴가공 순서 결정

A Study on the Optimization of Drilling Operations(II): Optimum Drilling Sequence Selection for Producing a Hole

  • 유회진 (동아대학교 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.30


In this paper, the optimum drilling operation sequence which results into the minimum overall machining time required to produce a (multi-diameter) hole is identified. The operation sequence is defined as the set of ordered operations used for producing a (multi-diameter) hole. The overall machining time is derived by summing the minimum machining times of each operation assigned to a sequence. The operations represent the drilling actions of certain sizes to produce the related holes. The minimum machining time of each operation is obtained by solving the optimization problem. Finally, this paper will identify the effects of machining constraints on the overall machining times and their relationships to sequence selection.
