연구 과제 주관 기관 : 서울산업대학교
This paper considers the cell loss probability(CLP) in a multiplexer with the superposition of heterogeneous ON/OFF sources. The input traffic is composed of k classes. Traffic of class i is the superposition of M_(i) ON/OFF sources. Recently, the method based on the Markov modulated deterministic process(MMDP) is presented. Basically, it is the discretized model of stochastic fluid flow process(SFFP) and gives the CLP very fast, but under-estimates the CLP especially when the value of estimated CLP is very low. This paper develops the discretized model of Markov modulated Poisson process(MMPP). It is a special type of switched batch Bernoulli process(SBBP). Combining the transition probability matrix of MMDP and SBBP according to the state which is characterized by the arrival rate, this paper presents hybrid algorithm. The hybrid algorithm gives better estimate of CLP than that of MMDP and faster than SBBP.
연구 과제 주관 기관 : 서울산업대학교