산업공학 (IE interfaces)
- 제12권3호
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- Pages.468-479
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- 1999
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- 1225-0996(pISSN)
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- 2234-6465(eISSN)
전자부품 생산 Line에 있어서 Lean 생산방식 적용에 대한 실증적 고찰
A Case-Study of Implementing Lean Production System in Manufacturing Electronic Components
Lean production system can be defined as customer(product)-oriented production system with small lot size and flow-shop layout based on the JIT(Just-in-time) principles. In this paper, we introduce a case example of implementation of the Lean product ion system for manufacturing line of electronic component which has both machine processes and manual jobs. We also investigate the issues of implementing the Lean production system with the viewpoints of layout design scheme and JIT management rules. In the layout design, we propose the cell-line which has flow-shop layout with small lot size. In the management rules, the superior cell rule is applied in order to boost the needs of kaisen up. As the results of implementing the Lean production system, production lead time is decreased from 5 days to 1.5 days and also productivity and quality level arc surprisingly increased.