An Effect Analysis of Lead Time Changes on Investment Evaluation of a Nuclear Power Plant Construction : A Trade-Off Analysis Between a Construction Cost and Lead Time

원자력발전소 건설 리드타임의 변화가 투자프로젝트 평가에 미치는 효과분석: 발전소 건설비용과 리드타임 간의 상쇄효과분석

  • 김규태 (조선대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • 이병국 (한국전력공사 영광원자력발전소) ;
  • 오치재 (영산대학교 경영정보학과)
  • Published : 1999.09.30


A nuclear power plant requires a huge amount of initial investment and long construction lead time. As we expect that there may exist a relationship between investment and construction lead time, a number of researchers have reported that nearly a half of investments is incurred due to time factors such as the time value of money and inflation or escalation rates. Therefore, we investigated in this paper a relationship between the initial investment and the construction lead time of a nuclear power plant construction, and proposed a method for a trade-off analysis between the annual equivalent worth and the investment alternatives to reduce the construction lead time. Finally, we presented a real case to numerically explain the steps of the method presented in this paper.



Supported by : 조선대학교