Comparison of Runner Production and Growth Characteristics among Strawberry Cultivars

딸기 품종간 런너발생 및 생육특성 비교

  • Kim, Tae-il (Chungnam Agricultural Research and Extention Services, Nonsan Strawberry Experiment Station) ;
  • Kim, Woon-Seop (Chungnam Agricultural Research and Extention Services, Nonsan Strawberry Experiment Station) ;
  • Choi, Jae-Hyeon (Chungnam Agricultural Research and Extention Services, Nonsan Strawberry Experiment Station) ;
  • Jang, Won-Seok (Chungnam Agricultural Research and Extention Services, Nonsan Strawberry Experiment Station) ;
  • Seo, Kwan-Seok (Chungnam Agricultural Research and Extention Services, Nonsan Strawberry Experiment Station)
  • 김태일 (충남농업기술원 논산딸기시험장) ;
  • 김운섭 (충남농업기술원 논산딸기시험장) ;
  • 최재현 (충남농업기술원 논산딸기시험장) ;
  • 장원석 (충남농업기술원 논산딸기시험장) ;
  • 서관석 (충남농업기술원 논산딸기시험장)
  • Published : 1999.04.30


Experiments were conducted to select the optimum cultivars which are adaptable to South Korea through estimating the differences in daughter plant production and growth response among seven strawberry cultivars. In the vegetative stage, Nyoho, Akihime and Suhong produced more daughter plants than other cultivars whereas Akaneko and Tochinomine, which developed less runners, showed better condition in runner vigorness. The quality of daughter plants derived from forcing cultivars was uniform in general. Even though there was no significant differences in rooting among cultivars, runners from Akaneko and Tochinomine developed more roots and fresh weight of roots than other cultivars. In the forcing cultivars, Akihime showed the most excellent plant vigorness, yield and highest sugar content of fruits and also was 5 days faster than Nyoho in flowering date. However, the fruit tended to be softened. In the semi-forcing cultivars, Tochinomine was excellent in vigorness, firmness, sugar content of fruits and the average of fruit weight but low in flower numbers per cluster and late in the emergency of second flower cluster. Although Akaneko showed highest in sugar/acid ratio and rich in flavour, lighting treatment was recommended to this cultivar for early harvest because of softness of fruits.

국내재배에 적합한 딸기 품종을 선발하고자 7가지 품종을 공시하여 자묘발생 특성과 생육 및 과실의 수량과 품질등을 검토해 본 결과 자묘 발생은 여봉, 아키히메, 수홍이 비교적 많은 양의 자묘를 생산할 수 있었고, 아까네꼬, 도치노미네는 런너가 굵고 충실한 자묘를 얻을 수 있었으나 생산량은 적은 편이었다. 자묘간의 묘소질은 촉성용 품종에서 더 균일함을 보였고, 자묘의 뿌리 발근력은 모든 품종에서 발근이 잘 되었으며 특히 도치노미네, 아까네꼬 품종이 타품종보다 우수하였다. 품종간 생육특성을 보면 촉성재배에서는 여봉에 비해 아키히메가 초세가 왕성하고 개화기가 5일 정도 빠르며 수량이 많고 당도가 높았지만 경도가 낮았다. 반촉성 재배에서는 도치노미네 품종이 생육이 왕성하고 경도와 당도가 높으며 평균 과중과 수량이 많았다. 그러나 화방당 화수가 적고 2화방 출현이 늦었다. 아까네꼬는 당산비가 가장 높았고 향기가 있었으나 경도가 낮아 전조처리 등으로 조기수확할 필요가 있다고 생각된다.
