한국어류학회지 (Korean Journal of Ichthyology)
- 제11권1호
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- Pages.86-93
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- 1999
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- 1225-8598(pISSN)
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- 2288-3371(eISSN)
참가자미(Limanda herzensteini)의 난발생과정(卵發生過程)과 자어(仔漁)의 형태발달(形態發達)
Eggs Development and Morphology of Larvae of the Flounder, Limanda herzensteini
- Han, Kyeong-Ho (Division of Aqua Life Science, Yosu National University) ;
- Kim, Yong-Uk (Department of Marine Biology, Pukyong National University)
- 투고 : 1999.04.06
- 심사 : 1999.06.02
- 발행 : 1999.06.30
1995년(年) 3월(月), 동해안(東海岸) 영일만에서 채집(採集)한 참가자미를 실험실에서 사육하던 중 1995년(年) 4월(月)13일(日)에 성숙한 어미를 건식법에 의해 인공수정(人工受精)시킨 후(後), 난발생과정(卵發生過程)과 부화(孵化) 자어(仔魚)를 사육하면서 자어(仔魚)의 성장(成長)에 따른 형태발달(形態發達)을 관찰하였다. 1. 수정란(受精卵)은 구형(球形)의 무색 투명한 분리부성란(分離浮性卵)으로 크기는 0.86~0.96 mm (평균 0.90 mm, n=50)였고, 유구(油球)는 없었으며, 원란강(圍卵腔)은 좁았다. 2. 사육수온
Artificial fertilization of flounder, Limanda herzensteini caught at Pohang brook was performed in April 13, 1995 and hatched larvae were reared for 25 days to describe the development of eggs and the morphogenesis of larvae. The fertilized egg was buoyant, colorless and spherical in shape, measuring 0.86~0.96 mm in diameter (mean: 0.90 mm), The egg has no oil globule, and its perivitelline space was narrow. Hatching in the indoor tank with