잔디구장용 카펫형 뗏장 형성을 위한 배합토와 잔디초종

Effects of Soil Mixture and Turfgrass Species on the Development of a Carpet-type Sod for Sports Field Uses

  • 투고 : 1999.12.09
  • 발행 : 1999.12.31


Five soil mixture with seven turfgrass species when placed over a plastic sheet were evaluated for influence on covering rate, visual rating, visual color and sad development. The result were as follows. 1. The last covering rate was high on sand+bark and on Kentucky bluegrass, respectively while the early covering rate was high on sand+peat and on perennial ryegrass and tall fescue. respectively. 2. Both sand and sand+sandy loam caused poor effects on the covering rate and the visual rating. 3. The early growth was good on perennial ryegrass but the covering rate and the visual rating gradually turned poor because of summer drought. 4. Visual color was high on sand+bark and on Kentucky bluegrass, respectively. 5. Covering rate, visual rating and visual color was best evaluated on Kentucky bluegrass during winter. 6. Sad was highly developed on sand+bark and sand+peat as compared with on the other soil mixture. 7. The carpet-type sad was best developed on Kentucky bluegrass.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 농림부