A Study on Establishment of Green Space Conservation in Taegu Based on the Concept of Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development

ESSD개념을 도입한 대구시 녹지보전등급 설정에 관한 연구

  • Park, Kyung-Hun (Dept. of Landscape Architecture Graduate School, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Jung, Sung-Kwan (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Kyungpook National University)
  • Published : 1999.09.30


The purpose of this research is to establish a green space conservation grade for sustainable urban development of Taegu metropolitan city using GIS and RS methods, together with the valuation items of green spaces centered around ecological, useful, and socio-cultural factors. The results of this study are as follows: 1. According to the ecological factor, the first grade is $81.4km^2$ and then Kachag-myun, Dong-gu in order, have needs of sustaining conservation policy of urban environment improvement and protection of the wild habitats. 2. According to the usefulness of urban parks, the first and second grade which is over 150 $persons/km^2$ in population density of the catchment areas, were Talsung park, Sinam park, Yongsan park and etc., the areas of those parks consists of 0.7% of the whole urban parks. 3. According to the socio-cultural factor, the first grade is located in urban natural parks, and the second grade is which are composed of Green Belt and agriculture in Talsung-gun. 4. Analyzing these results synthetically, the first grade conservation is 18%, as the forest in the upper zone of Mt. Palgongsan, Mt. Bisul, and Mt. Daeduck, these regions needed to preserve absolutely. This research is a basic step to show the methodology for all-round evaluation of green space using GIS and RS. Hereafter, it is necessary to consider general evaluation index of green spaces, and to consider the quantitative and qualitative aspect.
