Korean Journal of Veterinary Research (대한수의학회지)
- Volume 39 Issue 6
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- Pages.1081-1090
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- 1999
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- 2466-1384(pISSN)
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- 2466-1392(eISSN)
Application of a standardized exercise test by measuring serum lactate concentration in Thoroughbred racehorses
더러브렛 경주마에서 혈청 젖산농도 측정에 의한 표준운동능력검사의 적용
- Mun, Kyu-whan (Korea Racing Association) ;
- Kim, Joon-gyu (Korea Racing Association) ;
Kim, Byung-sun
(Korea Racing Association) ;
- Um, Young-ho (Korea Racing Association) ;
Yang, Il-suk
(Department of Physiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University)
- Received : 1999.04.21
- Published : 1999.12.25
To establish the protocol of a standardized exercise test for evaluating exercise intolerance and degree of fitness in Thoroughbred racehorses, we examined serum lactate concentrations related to exercise intensities using the high speed treadmill. Twelve clinically healthy Thoroughbred racehorses with or without previous training or racing history were assigned to two gorups, fit and unfit group, respectively. The protocol used for the standardized exercise test was consisted of two stages : stage of warm-up and that of acceleration. During the warm-up, the horses exercised 5 min at 1.8m/s and 3 min 3.4m/s without inclination. At the acceleration stage, exercise test was performed at 10% slope and the speed was increased from the initial 5m/s to the maximal speed which each tested horse could keep up with. The speed was increased with incremental steps of 1 m/s every minute. During the last 15 sec of each step, blood samples were collected for serum lactate determination.