- IEEE Transactions Inference and Theory v.22 A Nonparametric estimation of the entropy for absolutely continuous distribution Ahmad, I. A.;Lin, P. E.
- Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods v.24 A new estimator of entropy Correa, J. C.
- Theory of Probability and Application v.18 On the estimation of functional of the probability density and its derivatives Dmitriev, Y. G.;Tarasenko, F. P.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.76 Entropy-based tests of uniformity Dudewicz, E. J.;van Der Meulen, E. C.
- Communications in Statistics-Theory and Method v.28 Entropy-based goodness-of-fit test for exponentiality Grezegorzewski, P.;Wieczorkowski, R.
- PhD Dissertation. University of California A comparative study of entropy estimator and entropy based goodness-of-fit tests Mack, S.
- Statistical and Probability Letters v.1 Maximum entropy interpretation of autoregressive spectral densities Parzen, E.
- Journal of the Royal Statistics, Society B v.38 A test for normality based on sample entropy Vasicek, O.
- Scandinavian Journal of Statistics v.19 Estimating functional related to a density by a class of statistics based on spacing van Es, B.